Definition of presbyter

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Presbyter (n.) A member of a presbytery whether lay or clerical.

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Disciplinarian :: Disciplinarian (n.) A Puritan or Presbyterian; -- because of rigid adherence to religious or church discipline.
Presbytery :: Presbytery (n.) The residence of a priest or clergyman.
Presbyterium :: Presbyterium (n.) Same as Presbytery, 4..
Panpresbyterian :: Panpresbyterian (a.) Belonging to, or representative of, those who hold Presbyterian views in all parts of the world; as, a Panpresbyterian council..
Presbyterial :: Presbyterial (a.) Presbyterian.
Consistorian :: Consistorian (a.) Pertaining to a Presbyterian consistory; -- a contemptuous term of 17th century controversy.
Prester :: Prester (n.) A priest or presbyter; as, Prester John..
Presbyter :: Presbyter (n.) A Presbyterian.
Presbytery :: Presbytery (n.) A judicatory consisting of all the ministers within a certain district, and one layman, who is a ruling elder, from each parish or church, commissioned to represent the church in conjunction with the pastor. This body has a general jurisdiction over the churches under its care, and next below the provincial synod in authority..
Arian :: Arian (a.) Pertaining to Arius, a presbyter of the church of Alexandria, in the fourth century, or to the doctrines of Arius, who held Christ to be inferior to God the Father in nature and dignity, though the first and noblest of all created beings..
Priest :: Priest (n.) A presbyter; one who belongs to the intermediate order between bishop and deacon. He is authorized to perform all ministerial services except those of ordination and confirmation.
Presbyter :: Presbyter (n.) A member of a presbytery whether lay or clerical.
Presbyterate :: Presbyterate (n.) A presbytery; also, presbytership..
Presbytery :: Presbytery (n.) That part of the church reserved for the officiating priest.
Sabellian :: Sabellian (n.) A follower of Sabellius, a presbyter of Ptolemais in the third century, who maintained that there is but one person in the Godhead, and that the Son and Holy Spirit are only different powers, operations, or offices of the one God the Father..
Presbyter :: Presbyter (n.) One ordained to the second order in the ministry; -- called also priest.
Probationer :: Probationer (n.) A student in divinity, who, having received certificates of good morals and qualifications from his university, is admitted to several trials by a presbytery, and, on acquitting himself well, is licensed to preach..
Atherine :: Atherine (n.) A small marine fish of the family Atherinidae, having a silvery stripe along the sides. The European species (Atherina presbyter) is used as food. The American species (Menidia notata) is called silversides and sand smelt. See Silversides..
Archpresbytery :: Archpresbytery (n.) The absolute dominion of presbytery.
Classis :: Classis (n.) An ecclesiastical body or judicatory in certain churches, as the Reformed Dutch. It is intermediate between the consistory and the synod, and corresponds to the presbytery in the Presbyterian church..
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