Definition of praise

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Praise (v.) To commend; to applaud; to express approbation of; to laud; -- applied to a person or his acts.

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Achievement :: Achievement (n.) A great or heroic deed; something accomplished by valor, boldness, or praiseworthy exertion; a feat..
Measure :: Measure (n.) To ascertain by use of a measuring instrument; to compute or ascertain the extent, quantity, dimensions, or capacity of, by a certain rule or standard; to take the dimensions of; hence, to estimate; to judge of; to value; to appraise..
Uppricked :: Uppricked (a.) Upraised; erect; -- said of the ears of an animal.
Panegyrize :: Panegyrize (v. t.) To praise highly; to extol in a public speech; to write or deliver a panegyric upon; to eulogize.
Encomiast :: Encomiast (n.) One who praises; a panegyrist.
Tersanctus :: Tersanctus (n.) An ancient ascription of praise (containing the word Holy -- in its Latin form, Sanctus -- thrice repeated), used in the Mass of the Roman Catholic Church and before the prayer of consecration in the communion service of the Church of England and the Protestant Episcopal Church. Cf. Trisagion..
Trumpet :: Trumpet (n.) One who praises, or propagates praise, or is the instrument of propagating it..
Value :: Value (v. t.) To estimate the value, or worth, of; to rate at a certain price; to appraise; to reckon with respect to number, power, importance, etc..
Praiseworthy :: Praiseworthy (a.) Worthy of praise or applause; commendable; as, praiseworthy action; he was praiseworthy..
Mount :: Mount (n.) To rise on high; to go up; to be upraised or uplifted; to tower aloft; to ascend; -- often with up.
Laud :: Laud (v. i.) High commendation; praise; honor; exaltation; glory.
Dispraisingly :: Dispraisingly (adv.) By way of dispraise.
Complimentary :: Complimentary (a.) Expressive of regard or praise; of the nature of, or containing, a compliment; as, a complimentary remark; a complimentary ticket..
Elogy :: Elogy (n.) The praise bestowed on a person or thing; panegyric; eulogy.
Praiseworthily :: Praiseworthily (adv.) In a praiseworthy manner.
Apprizement :: Apprizement (n.) Appraisement.
Elegit :: Elegit (n.) A judicial writ of execution, by which a defendant's goods are appraised and delivered to the plaintiff, and, if not sufficient to satisfy the debt, all of his lands are delivered, to be held till the debt is paid by the rents and profits, or until the defendant's interest has expired..
Personate :: Personate (v. t.) To celebrate loudly; to extol; to praise.
Appraisal :: Appraisal (n.) A valuation by an authorized person; an appraisement.
Dispraised :: Dispraised (imp. & p. p.) of Disprais.
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