Definition of pod

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Pod (v. i.) To swell; to fill; also, to produce pods..

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Neuroptera :: Neuroptera (n. pl.) An order of hexapod insects having two pairs of large, membranous, net-veined wings. The mouth organs are adapted for chewing. They feed upon other insects, and undergo a complete metamorphosis. The ant-lion, hellgamite, and lacewing fly are examples. Formerly, the name was given to a much more extensive group, including the true Neuroptera and the Pseudoneuroptera..
Torus :: Torus (n.) One of the ventral parapodia of tubicolous annelids. It usually has the form of an oblong thickening or elevation of the integument with rows of uncini or hooks along the center. See Illust. under Tubicolae.
Mesquit :: Mesquit (n.) A name for two trees of the southwestern part of North America, the honey mesquite, and screw-pod mesquite..
Inferobranchiata :: Inferobranchiata (n. pl.) A suborder of marine gastropod mollusks, in which the gills are between the foot and the mantle..
Podalgia :: Podalgia (n.) pain in the foot, due to gout, rheumatism, etc..
Lindia :: Lindia (n.) A peculiar genus of rotifers, remarkable for the absence of ciliated disks. By some zoologists it is thought to be like the ancestral form of the Arthropoda..
Macrura :: Macrura (n. pl.) A subdivision of decapod Crustacea, having the abdomen largely developed. It includes the lobster, prawn, shrimp, and many similar forms. Cf. Decapoda..
Yam :: Yam (n.) A large, esculent, farinaceous tuber of various climbing plants of the genus Dioscorea; also, the plants themselves. Mostly natives of warm climates. The plants have netted-veined, petioled leaves, and pods with three broad wings. The commonest species is D. sativa, but several others are cultivated..
Opodeldoc :: Opodeldoc (n.) A kind of plaster, said to have been invented by Mindererus, -- used for external injuries..
Stegnosis :: Steganopodous (a.) Having all four toes webbed together.
Pterygopodia :: Pterygopodia (pl. ) of Pterygopodiu.
Carob :: Carob (n.) One of the long, sweet, succulent, pods of the carob tree, which are used as food for animals and sometimes eaten by man; -- called also St. John's bread, carob bean, and algaroba bean..
Podophthalmia :: Podophthalmia (n. pl.) The stalk-eyed Crustacea, -- an order of Crustacea having the eyes supported on movable stalks. It includes the crabs, lobsters, and prawns. Called also Podophthalmata, and Decapoda..
Elytrum :: Elytrum (n.) One of the shieldlike dorsal scales of certain annelids. See Chaetopoda.
Gymnosomata :: Gymnosomata (n. pl.) One of the orders of Pteropoda. They have no shell.
Siphonostomata :: Siphonostomata (n. pl.) An artificial division of gastropods including those that have siphonostomatous shells.
Water Breather :: Water breather () Any arthropod that breathes by means of gills.
Hotchpotch :: Hotchpotch (n.) A mingled mass; a confused mixture; a stew of various ingredients; a hodgepodge.
Vermes :: Vermes (n. pl.) An extensive artificial division of the animal kingdom, including the parasitic worms, or helminths, together with the nemerteans, annelids, and allied groups. By some writers the branchiopods, the bryzoans, and the tunicates are also included. The name was used in a still wider sense by Linnaeus and his followers..
Purpuriparous :: Purpuriparous (a.) Producing, or connected with, a purple-colored secretion; as, the purpuriparous gland of certain gastropods..
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