Definition of pith

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Pith (n.) The soft spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees, especially those of the dicotyledonous or exogenous classes. It consists of cellular tissue..

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Pitheci :: Pitheci (n. pl.) A division of mammals including the apes and monkeys. Sometimes used in the sense of Primates.
Denomination :: Denomination (n.) That by which anything is denominated or styled; an epithet; a name, designation, or title; especially, a general name indicating a class of like individuals; a category; as, the denomination of units, or of thousands, or of fourths, or of shillings, or of tons..
Two-handed :: Two-handed (a.) Having two hands; -- often used as an epithet equivalent to large, stout, strong, or powerful..
Pigmented :: Pigmented (a.) Colored; specifically (Biol.), filled or imbued with pigment; as, pigmented epithelial cells; pigmented granules..
Objective :: Objective (a.) Of or pertaining to an object; contained in, or having the nature or position of, an object; outward; external; extrinsic; -- an epithet applied to whatever ir exterior to the mind, or which is simply an object of thought or feeling, and opposed to subjective..
Talapoin :: Talapoin (n.) A small African monkey (Cercopithecus, / Miopithecus, talapoin) -- called also melarhine..
Honorable :: Honorable (a.) An epithet of respect or distinction; as, the honorable Senate; the honorable gentleman..
Epithema :: Epithema (n.) A horny excrescence upon the beak of birds.
Epitheliums :: Epitheliums (pl. ) of Epitheliu.
Endogen :: Endogen (n.) A plant which increases in size by internal growth and elongation at the summit, having the wood in the form of bundles or threads, irregularly distributed throughout the whole diameter, not forming annual layers, and with no distinct pith. The leaves of the endogens have, usually, parallel veins, their flowers are mostly in three, or some multiple of three, parts, and their embryos have but a single cotyledon, with the first leaves alternate. The endogens constitute one of the grea
Boat :: Boat (n.) Hence, any vessel; usually with some epithet descriptive of its use or mode of propulsion; as, pilot boat, packet boat, passage boat, advice boat, etc. The term is sometimes applied to steam vessels, even of the largest class; as, the Cunard boats..
Phrase :: Phrase (n.) A short, pithy expression; especially, one which is often employed; a peculiar or idiomatic turn of speech; as, to err is human..
Monk :: Monk (n.) A South American monkey (Pithecia monachus); also applied to other species, as Cebus xanthocephalus..
Cycas :: Cycas (n.) A genus of trees, intermediate in character between the palms and the pines. The pith of the trunk of some species furnishes a valuable kind of sago..
Epithalamies :: Epithalamies (pl. ) of Epithalam.
Epithetical :: Epithetical (a.) Pertaining to, or abounding with, epithets..
Pithily :: Pithily (adv.) In a pithy manner.
Multiseptate :: Multiseptate (a.) Divided into many chambers by partitions, as the pith of the pokeweed..
Epithalamiums :: Epithalamiums (pl. ) of Epithalamiu.
Weevil :: Weevil (n.) Any one of numerous species of snout beetles, or Rhynchophora, in which the head is elongated and usually curved downward. Many of the species are very injurious to cultivated plants. The larvae of some of the species live in nuts, fruit, and grain by eating out the interior, as the plum weevil, or curculio, the nut weevils, and the grain weevil (see under Plum, Nut, and Grain). The larvae of other species bore under the bark and into the pith of trees and various other plants, as th
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