Definition of pinion

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Pinion (v. t.) To disable by cutting off the pinion joint.

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Dissent :: Dissent (v. i.) To differ in opinion; to be of unlike or contrary sentiment; to disagree; -- followed by from.
Origenism :: Origenism (n.) The opinions of Origen of Alexandria, who lived in the 3d century, one of the most learned of the Greek Fathers. Prominent in his teaching was the doctrine that all created beings, including Satan, will ultimately be saved..
Optimism :: Optimism (n.) The opinion or doctrine that everything in nature, being the work of God, is ordered for the best, or that the ordering of things in the universe is such as to produce the highest good..
Boast :: Boast (v. i.) To vaunt one's self; to brag; to say or tell things which are intended to give others a high opinion of one's self or of things belonging to one's self; as, to boast of one's exploits courage, descent, wealth..
Opiniated :: Opiniated (a.) Opinionated.
Jack :: "Jack (n.) A portable machine variously constructed, for exerting great pressure, or lifting or moving a heavy body through a small distance. It consists of a lever, screw, rack and pinion, hydraulic press, or any simple combination of mechanical powers, working in a compact pedestal or support and operated by a lever, crank, capstan bar, etc. The name is often given to a jackscrew, which is a kind of jack..
Agreement :: Agreement (n.) State of agreeing; harmony of opinion, statement, action, or character; concurrence; concord; conformity; as, a good agreement subsists among the members of the council..
Reason :: Reason (n.) A thought or a consideration offered in support of a determination or an opinion; a just ground for a conclusion or an action; that which is offered or accepted as an explanation; the efficient cause of an occurrence or a phenomenon; a motive for an action or a determination; proof, more or less decisive, for an opinion or a conclusion; principle; efficient cause; final cause; ground of argument..
Suppose :: Suppose (v. i.) To make supposition; to think; to be of opinion.
Latitudinarian :: Latitudinarian (n.) One who departs in opinion from the strict principles of orthodoxy.
Temporizer :: Temporizer (n.) One who temporizes; one who yields to the time, or complies with the prevailing opinions, fashions, or occasions; a trimmer..
Headnote :: Headnote (n.) A note at the head of a page or chapter; in law reports, an abstract of a case, showing the principles involved and the opinion of the court..
Platonize :: Platonize (v. i.) To adopt the opinion of Plato or his followers.
Fluctuation :: Fluctuation (n.) A wavering; unsteadiness; as, fluctuations of opinion; fluctuations of prices..
Erratic :: Erratic (a.) Deviating from a wise of the common course in opinion or conduct; eccentric; strange; queer; as, erratic conduct..
Swallow :: Swallow (v. t.) To retract; to recant; as, to swallow one's opinions..
Attack :: Attack (v. t.) To assail with unfriendly speech or writing; to begin a controversy with; to attempt to overthrow or bring into disrepute, by criticism or satire; to censure; as, to attack a man, or his opinions, in a pamphlet..
Erratic :: Erratic (n.) One who deviates from common and accepted opinions; one who is eccentric or preserve in his intellectual character.
Pinion :: Pinion (n.) A wing, literal or figurative..
Convert :: Convert (n.) A person who is converted from one opinion or practice to another; a person who is won over to, or heartily embraces, a creed, religious system, or party, in which he has not previously believed; especially, one who turns from the controlling power of sin to that of holiness, or from unbelief to Christianity..
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