Definition of pig

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Pig (v. t. & i.) To huddle or lie together like pigs, in one bed..

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Peristeropodous :: Peristeropodous (a.) Having pigeonlike feet; -- said of those gallinaceous birds that rest on all four toes, as the curassows and megapods..
Moco :: Moco (n.) A South American rodent (Cavia rupestris), allied to the Guinea pig, but larger; -- called also rock cavy..
Ruff :: Ruff (n.) A variety of the domestic pigeon, having a ruff of its neck..
Chromatophore :: Chromatophore (n.) A contractile cell or vesicle containing liquid pigment and capable of changing its form or size, thus causing changes of color in the translucent skin of such animals as possess them. They are highly developed and numerous in the cephalopods..
Oppignerate :: Oppignerate (v. i.) To pledge; to pawn.
Epiglottidean :: Epiglottidean (a.) Same as Epiglottic.
Alpigene :: Alpigene (a.) Growing in Alpine regions.
Laugher :: Laugher (n.) A variety of the domestic pigeon.
Pigsties :: Pigsties (pl. ) of Pigst.
Pigeon-breasted :: Pigeon-breasted (a.) Having a breast like a pigeon, -- the sternum being so prominent as to constitute a deformity; chicken-breasted..
Subepithelial :: Subepiglottic (a.) Situated under the epiglottis.
Hedgepig :: Hedgepig (n.) A young hedgehog.
Porket :: Porket (n.) A young hog; a pig.
Malpighia :: Malpighia (n.) A genus of tropical American shrubs with opposite leaves and small white or reddish flowers. The drupes of Malpighia urens are eaten under the name of Barbadoes cherries.
Quercitron :: Quercitron (n.) Quercitrin, used as a pigment. See Quercitrin..
Sea Turtle :: Sea turtle () The sea pigeon, or guillemot..
Evolution :: Evolution (n.) That theory of generation which supposes the germ to preexist in the parent, and its parts to be developed, but not actually formed, by the procreative act; -- opposed to epigenesis..
Pentachenium :: Pentachenium (n.) A dry fruit composed of five carpels, which are covered by an epigynous calyx and separate at maturity..
Yellow :: Yellow (n.) A yellow pigment.
Epigrammatically :: Epigrammatically (adv.) In the way of epigram; in an epigrammatic style.
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