Definition of pier

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Pier (n.) Any additional or auxiliary mass of masonry used to stiffen a wall. See Buttress.

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Lance :: Lance (v. t.) To open with a lancet; to pierce; as, to lance a vein or an abscess..
Anta :: Anta (n.) A species of pier produced by thickening a wall at its termination, treated architecturally as a pilaster, with capital and base..
Sting :: Sting (v. t.) To pierce or wound with a sting; as, bees will sting an animal that irritates them; the nettles stung his hands..
Lacquer :: Lacquer (n.) A varnish, consisting of a solution of shell-lac in alcohol, often colored with gamboge, saffron, or the like; -- used for varnishing metals, papier-mache, and wood. The name is also given to varnishes made of other ingredients, esp. the tough, solid varnish of the Japanese, with which ornamental objects are made..
Pounce :: Pounce (v. t.) To strike or seize with the talons; to pierce, as with the talons..
Prick :: Prick (n.) To pierce slightly with a sharp-pointed instrument or substance; to make a puncture in, or to make by puncturing; to drive a fine point into; as, to prick one with a pin, needle, etc.; to prick a card; to prick holes in paper..
Shoot :: Shoot (v. i.) To penetrate, as a missile; to dart with a piercing sensation; as, shooting pains..
Shrill :: Shrill (v. i.) Acute; sharp; piercing; having or emitting a sharp, piercing tone or sound; -- said of a sound, or of that which produces a sound..
Mould :: Mould (n.) A group of moldings; as, the arch mold of a porch or doorway; the pier mold of a Gothic pier, meaning the whole profile, section, or combination of parts..
Dart :: Dart (n.) Anything resembling a dart; anything that pierces or wounds like a dart.
Occupier :: Occupier (n.) One who occupies, or has possession..
Awl :: Awl (n.) A pointed instrument for piercing small holes, as in leather or wood; used by shoemakers, saddlers, cabinetmakers, etc. The blade is differently shaped and pointed for different uses, as in the brad awl, saddler's awl, shoemaker's awl, etc..
Hull :: Hull (v. t.) To pierce the hull of, as a ship, with a cannon ball..
Impierceable :: Impierceable (a.) Not capable of being pierced; impenetrable.
Pierce :: Pierce (v. t.) To thrust into, penetrate, or transfix, with a pointed instrument..
Bestick :: Bestick (v. t.) To stick over, as with sharp points pressed in; to mark by infixing points or spots here and there; to pierce..
Through :: Through (adv.) From one end or side to the other; as, to pierce a thing through..
Landman :: Landman (n.) An occupier of land.
Pricking :: Pricking (n.) The act of piercing or puncturing with a sharp point.
Rapiered :: Rapiered (a.) Wearing a rapier.
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