Definition of away

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Away (adv.) Absent; gone; at a distance; as, the master is away from home..

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Moulder :: Moulder (v. i.) To crumble into small particles; to turn to dust by natural decay; to lose form, or waste away, by a gradual separation of the component particles, without the presence of water; to crumble away..
Rapture :: Rapture (n.) The state or condition of being rapt, or carried away from one's self by agreeable excitement; violence of a pleasing passion; extreme joy or pleasure; ecstasy..
Dispatch :: Dispatch (v. t.) To send off or away; -- particularly applied to sending off messengers, messages, letters, etc., on special business, and implying haste..
Bill :: Bill (n.) A paper, written or printed, and posted up or given away, to advertise something, as a lecture, a play, or the sale of goods; a placard; a poster; a handbill..
Kranging Hook :: Kranging hook () A hook for holding the blubber while cutting it away.
Diminish :: Diminish (v. t.) To take away; to subtract.
Languish :: Languish (v. i.) To become languid or weak; to lose strength or animation; to be or become dull, feeble or spiritless; to pine away; to wither or fade..
Withdraw :: Withdraw (v. t.) To take back or away, as what has been bestowed or enjoyed; to draw back; to cause to move away or retire; as, to withdraw aid, favor, capital, or the like..
Unstack :: Unstack (v. t.) To remove, or take away, from a stack; to remove, as something constituting a stack..
Chip :: Chip (v. t.) To cut small pieces from; to diminish or reduce to shape, by cutting away a little at a time; to hew..
Pack :: Pack (n.) To fill in the manner of a pack, that is, compactly and securely, as for transportation; hence, to fill closely or to repletion; to stow away within; to cause to be full; to crowd into; as, to pack a trunk; the play, or the audience, packs the theater..
Rattle :: Rattle (v. i.) To make a clatter with the voice; to talk rapidly and idly; to clatter; -- with on or away; as, she rattled on for an hour..
Atrophy :: Atrophy (v. i.) To waste away; to dwindle.
Vignette :: Vignette (v. t.) To make, as an engraving or a photograph, with a border or edge insensibly fading away..
Interlucate :: Interlucate (v. t.) To let in light upon, as by cutting away branches..
Annul :: Annul (a.) To make void or of no effect; to nullify; to abolish; to do away with; -- used appropriately of laws, decrees, edicts, decisions of courts, or other established rules, permanent usages, and the like, which are made void by component authority..
Deliquium :: Deliquium (n.) A sinking away; a swooning.
Withered :: Withered (a.) Faded; dried up; shriveled; wilted; wasted; wasted away.
Pine :: Pine (v. i.) To languish with desire; to waste away with longing for something; -- usually followed by for.
Absume :: Absume (v. t.) To consume gradually; to waste away.
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