Definition of avoid

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Avoid (v. i.) To retire; to withdraw.

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Saving :: Saving (a.) Avoiding unnecessary expense or waste; frugal; not lavish or wasteful; economical; as, a saving cook..
Wink :: Wink (v. i.) To avoid taking notice, as if by shutting the eyes; to connive at anything; to be tolerant; -- generally with at..
Indispensable :: Indispensable (a.) Unavoidable; inevitable.
Litotes :: Litotes (n.) A diminution or softening of statement for the sake of avoiding censure or increasing the effect by contrast with the moderation shown in the form of expression; as, a citizen of no mean city, that is, of an illustrious city..
Help :: Help (v. t.) To forbear; to avoid.
Narrowly :: Narrowly (adv.) With a little margin or space; by a small distance; hence, closely; hardly; barely; only just; -- often with reference to an avoided danger or misfortune; as, he narrowly escaped..
Escape :: Escape (v.) To flee from and avoid; to be saved or exempt from; to shun; to obtain security from; as, to escape danger..
Evitable :: Evitable (a.) Avoidable.
Avoidable :: Avoidable (a.) Capable of being vacated; liable to be annulled or made invalid; voidable.
Shirk :: Shirk (v. i.) To evade an obligation; to avoid the performance of duty, as by running away..
Quietly :: Quietly (adv.) Calmly, without agitation or violent emotion; patiently; as, to submit quietly to unavoidable evils..
Avoid :: Avoid (a.) To defeat or evade; to invalidate. Thus, in a replication, the plaintiff may deny the defendant's plea, or confess it, and avoid it by stating new matter..
Avoidable :: Avoidable (a.) Capable of being avoided, shunned, or escaped..
Stultiloquence :: Stultify (v. t.) To allege or prove to be of unsound mind, so that the performance of some act may be avoided..
Un- :: Un- (adv.) Those which have the value of independent words, inasmuch as the simple words are either not used at all, or are rarely, or at least much less frequently, used; as, unavoidable, unconscionable, undeniable, unspeakable, unprecedented, unruly, and the like; or inasmuch as they are used in a different sense from the usual meaning of the primitive, or especially in one of the significations of the latter; as, unaccountable, unalloyed, unbelieving, unpretending, unreserved, and the like; o
Bantingism :: Bantingism (n.) A method of reducing corpulence by avoiding food containing much farinaceous, saccharine, or oily matter; -- so called from William Banting of London..
Beware :: Beware (v. i.) To be on one's guard; to be cautious; to take care; -- commonly followed by of or lest before the thing that is to be avoided.
Unavoided :: Unavoided (a.) Unavoidable; inevitable.
Evasive :: Evasive (a.) Tending to evade, or marked by evasion; elusive; shuffling; avoiding by artifice..
Balk :: Balk (v. t.) To miss intentionally; to avoid; to shun; to refuse; to let go by; to shirk.
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