Definition of aver

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Aver (v. t.) To avouch or verify; to offer to verify; to prove or justify. See Averment.

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Basin :: Basin (n.) A circular or oval valley, or depression of the surface of the ground, the lowest part of which is generally occupied by a lake, or traversed by a river..
Medial :: Medial (a.) Of or pertaining to a mean or average; mean; as, medial alligation..
Laver :: Laver (n.) That which washes or cleanses.
Enslave :: Enslave (v. t.) To reduce to slavery; to make a slave of; to subject to a dominant influence.
Martello Tower :: Martello tower () A building of masonry, generally circular, usually erected on the seacoast, with a gun on the summit mounted on a traversing platform, so as to be fired in any direction..
Beaver :: Beaver (n.) A hat, formerly made of the fur of the beaver, but now usually of silk..
Decision :: Decision (n.) The quality of being decided; prompt and fixed determination; unwavering firmness; as, to manifest great decision..
Travel :: Travel (v. t.) To journey over; to traverse; as, to travel the continent..
Totter :: Totter (v. i.) To shake; to reel; to lean; to waver.
Yoke :: Yoke (n.) A mark of servitude; hence, servitude; slavery; bondage; service..
Traverse :: Traverse (v. i.) To use the posture or motions of opposition or counteraction, as in fencing..
Knaveries :: Knaveries (pl. ) of Knaver.
Quaver :: Quaver (v. i.) To tremble; to vibrate; to shake.
Wavered :: Wavered (imp. & p. p.) of Wave.
Averting :: Averting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Aver.
Palaver :: Palaver (v. t. & i.) To make palaver with, or to; to used palaver;to talk idly or deceitfully; to employ flattery; to cajole; as, to palaver artfully..
Alienate :: Alienate (v. t.) To withdraw, as the affections; to make indifferent of averse, where love or friendship before subsisted; to estrange; to wean; -- with from..
Heaver :: Heaver (n.) One who, or that which, heaves or lifts; a laborer employed on docks in handling freight; as, a coal heaver..
Slabber :: Slabber (n.) Spittle; saliva; slaver.
Trill :: Trill (v. i.) To utter trills or a trill; to play or sing in tremulous vibrations of sound; to have a trembling sound; to quaver.
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