Definition of people

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People (v. t.) To stock with people or inhabitants; to fill as with people; to populate.

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Acephali :: Acephali (n. pl.) A fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have heads.
Crew :: Crew (n.) A company of people associated together; an assemblage; a throng.
Armenian :: Armenian (n.) A native or one of the people of Armenia; also, the language of the Armenians..
Portuguese :: Portuguese (n. sing. & pl.) A native or inhabitant of Portugal; people of Portugal.
Pelasgic :: Pelasgic (a.) Of or pertaining to the Pelasgians, an ancient people of Greece, of roving habits..
Celt :: Celt (n.) One of an ancient race of people, who formerly inhabited a great part of Central and Western Europe, and whose descendants at the present day occupy Ireland, Wales, the Highlands of Scotland, and the northern shores of France..
Earthly :: Earthly (adv.) In the manner of the earth or its people; worldly.
Overpeople :: Overpeople (v. t.) To people too densely.
State :: State (n.) A political body, or body politic; the whole body of people who are united one government, whatever may be the form of the government; a nation..
Hawaiian :: Hawaiian (a.) Belonging to Hawaii or the Sandwich Islands, or to the people of Hawaii..
Arcadia :: Arcadia (n.) A mountainous and picturesque district of Greece, in the heart of the Peloponnesus, whose people were distinguished for contentment and rural happiness..
Forum :: Forum (n.) A market place or public place in Rome, where causes were judicially tried, and orations delivered to the people..
Psephism :: Psephism (n.) A proposition adopted by a majority of votes; especially, one adopted by vote of the Athenian people; a statute..
Siamese :: Siamese (a.) Of or pertaining to Siam, its native people, or their language..
Rabble :: Rabble (v. i.) A tumultuous crowd of vulgar, noisy people; a mob; a confused, disorderly throng..
Workfolk :: Workfolk (n.) People that labor.
Lithuanian :: Lithuanian (n.) A native, or one of the people, of Lithuania; also, the language of the Lithuanian people..
Lotophagi :: Lotophagi (n. pl.) A people visited by Ulysses in his wanderings. They subsisted on the lotus. See Lotus (b), and Lotus-eater..
Irishry :: Irishry (n.) The Celtic people of Ireland.
Transalpine :: Transalpine (a.) Being on the farther side of the Alps in regard to Rome, that is, on the north or west side of the Alps; of or pertaining to the region or the people beyond the Alps; as, transalpine Gaul; -- opposed to cisalpine..
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