Definition of auxiliar

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Auxiliar (n.) An auxiliary.

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Do :: Do (v. t. / auxiliary) To cheat; to gull; to overreach.
Auxiliar :: Auxiliar (n.) An auxiliary.
Shall :: Shall (v. i. & auxiliary.) To be obliged; must.
Adminicular :: Adminicular (a.) Supplying help; auxiliary; corroborative; explanatory; as, adminicular evidence..
Do :: Do (v. t. / auxiliary) To cash or to advance money for, as a bill or note..
Flown :: Flown () p. p. of Fly; -- often used with the auxiliary verb to be; as, the birds are flown..
Ancillary :: Ancillary (a.) Subservient or subordinate, like a handmaid; auxiliary..
Will :: Will (adv.) As an auxiliary, will is used to denote futurity dependent on the verb. Thus, in first person, I will denotes willingness, consent, promise; and when will is emphasized, it denotes determination or fixed purpose; as, I will go if you wish; I will go at all hazards. In the second and third persons, the idea of distinct volition, wish, or purpose is evanescent, and simple certainty is appropriately expressed; as, You will go, or He will go, describes a future event as a fact only. To e
Afford :: Afford (v. t.) To incur, stand, or bear without serious detriment, as an act which might under other circumstances be injurious; -- with an auxiliary, as can, could, might, etc.; to be able or rich enough..
Well :: Well (v. i.) A vertical passage in the stern into which an auxiliary screw propeller may be drawn up out of water.
Do :: Do (v. t. / auxiliary) To put or bring into a form, state, or condition, especially in the phrases, to do death, to put to death; to slay; to do away (often do away with), to put away; to remove; to do on, to put on; to don; to do off, to take off, as dress; to doff; to do into, to put into the form of; to translate or transform into, as a text..
Auxiliatory :: Auxiliatory (a.) Auxiliary; helping.
Doctor :: Doctor (n.) Any mechanical contrivance intended to remedy a difficulty or serve some purpose in an exigency; as, the doctor of a calico-printing machine, which is a knife to remove superfluous coloring matter; the doctor, or auxiliary engine, called also donkey engine..
Auxiliary :: Auxiliary (sing.) A quantity introduced for the purpose of simplifying or facilitating some operation, as in equations or trigonometrical formulae..
Secondary :: Secondary (n.) One who occupies a subordinate, inferior, or auxiliary place; a delegate deputy; one who is second or next to the chief officer; as, the secondary, or undersheriff of the city of London..
Auxiliary :: Auxiliary (n.) A helper; an assistant; a confederate in some action or enterprise.
Must :: Must (v. i. / auxiliary) To be obliged; to be necessitated; -- expressing either physical or moral necessity; as, a man must eat for nourishment; we must submit to the laws..
Would :: Would (v. t.) Commonly used as an auxiliary verb, either in the past tense or in the conditional or optative present. See 2d & 3d Will..
Tense :: Tense (n.) One of the forms which a verb takes by inflection or by adding auxiliary words, so as to indicate the time of the action or event signified; the modification which verbs undergo for the indication of time..
Must :: Must (v. i. / auxiliary) To be morally required; to be necessary or essential to a certain quality, character, end, or result; as, he must reconsider the matter; he must have been insane..
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