Definition of pectoral

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Pectoral (n.) A clasp or a cross worn on the breast.

Lern More About Pectoral

Pegasus :: Pegasus (n.) A genus of small fishes, having large pectoral fins, and the body covered with hard, bony plates. Several species are known from the East Indies and China..
Pectoral :: Pectoral (n.) A clasp or a cross worn on the breast.
Pectoral :: Pectoral (a.) Of or pertaining to the breast, or chest; as, the pectoral muscles..
Sternum :: Sternum (n.) A plate of cartilage, or a series of bony or cartilaginous plates or segments, in the median line of the pectoral skeleton of most vertebrates above fishes; the breastbone..
Wing :: Wing (n.) One of the large pectoral fins of the flying fishes.
Symmetral :: Symbranchii (n. pl.) An order of slender eel-like fishes having the gill openings confluent beneath the neck. The pectoral arch is generally attached to the skull, and the entire margin of the upper jaw is formed by the premaxillary. Called also Symbranchia..
Pectoral :: Pectoral (a.) Relating to, or good for, diseases of the chest or lungs; as, a pectoral remedy..
Pectoral :: Pectoral (n.) A breastplate, esp. that worn by the Jewish high person..
Jugular :: "Jugular (a.) Any fish which has the ventral fins situated forward of the pectoral fins, or beneath the throat; one of a division of fishes (Jugulares)..
Firefish :: Firefish (n.) A singular marine fish of the genus Pterois, family Scorpaenidae, of several species, inhabiting the Indo-Pacific region. They are usually red, and have very large spinose pectoral and dorsal fins..
Postclavicle :: Postclavicle (n.) A bone in the pectoral girdle of many fishes projecting backward from the clavicle.
Swallowtail :: Swallowfish (n.) The European sapphirine gurnard (Trigla hirundo). It has large pectoral fins.
Pectoral :: Pectoral (n.) A covering or protecting for the breast.
Malacopterygii :: Malacopterygii (n. pl.) An order of fishes in which the fin rays, except the anterior ray of the pectoral and dorsal fins, are closely jointed, and not spiny. It includes the carp, pike, salmon, shad, etc. Called also Malacopteri..
Xenopterygii :: Xenopterygii (n. pl.) A suborder of fishes including Gobiesox and allied genera. These fishes have soft-rayed fins, and a ventral sucker supported in front by the pectoral fins. They are destitute of scales..
Sebesten :: Sebesten (n.) The mucilaginous drupaceous fruit of two East Indian trees (Cordia Myxa, and C. latifolia), sometimes used medicinally in pectoral diseases..
Dactylopterous :: Dactylopterous (a.) Having the inferior rays of the pectoral fins partially or entirely free, as in the gurnards..
Quail :: Quail (n.) Any gallinaceous bird belonging to Coturnix and several allied genera of the Old World, especially the common European quail (C. communis), the rain quail (C. Coromandelica) of India, the stubble quail (C. pectoralis), and the Australian swamp quail (Synoicus australis)..
Jacksnipe :: "Jacksnipe (n.) A small American sandpiper (Tringa maculata); -- called also pectoral sandpiper, and grass snipe..
Pectoral :: Pectoral (n.) A medicine for diseases of the chest organs, especially the lungs..
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