Definition of pass

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Pass (v. t.) To cause to obtain entrance, admission, or conveyance; as, to pass a person into a theater, or over a railroad..

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Clip :: Clip (v. t.) To embrace, hence; to encompass..
Passage :: Passage (v. i.) Reception; currency.
Cool-headed :: Cool-headed (a.) Having a temper not easily excited; free from passion.
Throat :: Throat (n.) A contracted portion of a vessel, or of a passage way; as, the throat of a pitcher or vase..
Meridian :: Meridian (a.) A great circle of the sphere passing through the poles of the heavens and the zenith of a given place. It is crossed by the sun at midday.
Bird-witted :: Bird-witted (a.) Flighty; passing rapidly from one subject to another; not having the faculty of attention.
Smite :: Smite (v. t.) To strike or affect with passion, as love or fear..
Way :: Way (n.) A moving; passage; procession; journey.
Regress :: Regress (n.) The power or liberty of passing back.
Exceedingly :: Exceedingly (adv.) To a very great degree; beyond what is usual; surpassingly. It signifies more than very.
Footbridge :: Footbridge (n.) A narrow bridge for foot passengers only.
Temperate :: Temperate (v. t.) Moderate in the indulgence of the natural appetites or passions; as, temperate in eating and drinking..
Skip :: Skip (n.) A passage from one sound to another by more than a degree at once.
Exposition :: Exposition (n.) The act of expounding or of laying open the sense or meaning of an author, or a passage; explanation; interpretation; the sense put upon a passage; a law, or the like, by an interpreter; hence, a work containing explanations or interpretations; a commentary..
Balker :: Balker (n.) A person who stands on a rock or eminence to espy the shoals of herring, etc., and to give notice to the men in boats which way they pass; a conder; a huer..
Photodrome :: Photodrome (n.) An apparatus consisting of a large wheel with spokes, which when turning very rapidly is illuminated by momentary flashes of light passing through slits in a rotating disk. By properly timing the succession of flashes the wheel is made to appear to be motionless, or to rotate more or less slowly in either direction..
Squeeze :: Squeeze (v. t.) To force, or cause to pass, by compression; often with out, through, etc.; as, to squeeze water through felt..
Transmigrant :: Transmigrant (a.) Migrating or passing from one place or state to another; passing from one residence to another.
Harpings :: Harpings (n. pl.) The fore parts of the wales, which encompass the bow of a vessel, and are fastened to the stem..
Infatuated :: Infatuated (a.) Overcome by some foolish passion or desire; affected by infatuation.
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