Definition of partition

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Partition (v.) A part divided off by walls; an apartment; a compartment.

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Dissepiment :: Dissepiment (n.) One of the partitions which divide a compound ovary into cells.
Apartment :: Apartment (n.) A room in a building; a division in a house, separated from others by partitions..
Partible :: Partible (a.) Admitting of being parted; divisible; separable; susceptible of severance or partition; as, an estate of inheritance may be partible..
Severance :: Severance (n.) The act of severing, or the state of being severed; partition; separation..
Mesentery :: Mesentery (n.) One of the vertical muscular radiating partitions which divide the body cavity of Anthozoa into chambers.
Impartible :: Impartible (a.) Not partible; not subject to partition; indivisible; as, an impartible estate..
Partition :: Partition (v. t.) To divide into parts or shares; to divide and distribute; as, to partition an estate among various heirs..
Septicidal :: Septicidal (a.) Dividing the partitions; -- said of a method of dehiscence in which a pod splits through the partitions and is divided into its component carpels.
Septifragal :: Septifragal (a.) Breaking from the partitions; -- said of a method of dehiscence in which the valves of a pod break away from the partitions, and these remain attached to the common axis..
Dissepiment :: Dissepiment (n.) One of the transverse, calcareous partitions between the radiating septa of a coral..
Cloisonne :: Cloisonne (a.) Inlaid between partitions: -- said of enamel when the lines which divide the different patches of fields are composed of a kind of metal wire secured to the ground; as distinguished from champleve enamel, in which the ground is engraved or scooped out to receive the enamel..
Valve :: Valve (n.) One or more membranous partitions, flaps, or folds, which permit the passage of the contents of a vessel or cavity in one direction, but stop or retard the flow in the opposite direction; as, the ileocolic, mitral, and semilunar valves..
Bevilled :: Bevilled (a.) Notched with an angle like that inclosed by a carpenter's bevel; -- said of a partition line of a shield.
Quadripartition :: Quadripartition (n.) A division or distribution by four, or into four parts; also, a taking the fourth part of any quantity or number..
Velum :: Velum (n.) Curtain or covering; -- applied to various membranous partitions, especially to the soft palate. See under Palate..
Repartimiento :: Repartimiento (n.) A partition or distribution, especially of slaves; also, an assessment of taxes..
Partition :: Partition (v.) That which divides or separates; that by which different things, or distinct parts of the same thing, are separated; separating boundary; dividing line or space; specifically, an interior wall dividing one part or apartment of a house, an inclosure, or the like, from another; as, a brick partition; lath and plaster partitions..
Deafen :: Deafen (v. t.) To render impervious to sound, as a partition or floor, by filling the space within with mortar, by lining with paper, etc..
Biseptate :: Biseptate (a.) With two partitions or septa.
Stud :: Stud (n.) An upright scanting, esp. one of the small uprights in the framing for lath and plaster partitions, and furring, and upon which the laths are nailed..
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