Definition of parting

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Parting (v.) Admitting of being parted; partible.

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Shed :: Shed (n.) A parting; a separation; a division.
Impartment :: Impartment (n.) The act of imparting, or that which is imparted, communicated, or disclosed..
Lustering :: Lustering (n.) The act or process of imparting a luster, as to pottery..
University :: University (n.) An institution organized and incorporated for the purpose of imparting instruction, examining students, and otherwise promoting education in the higher branches of literature, science, art, etc., empowered to confer degrees in the several arts and faculties, as in theology, law, medicine, music, etc. A university may exist without having any college connected with it, or it may consist of but one college, or it may comprise an assemblage of colleges established in any place, with
Metallurgy :: Metallurgy (n.) The art of working metals, comprehending the whole process of separating them from other matters in the ore, smelting, refining, and parting them; sometimes, in a narrower sense, only the process of extracting metals from their ores..
Shode :: Shode (v. t.) The parting of the hair on the head.
Partition :: Partition (v.) The act of parting or dividing; the state of being parted; separation; division; distribution; as, the partition of a kingdom..
Eccentric :: Eccentric (a.) Deviating from stated methods, usual practice, or established forms or laws; deviating from an appointed sphere or way; departing from the usual course; irregular; anomalous; odd; as, eccentric conduct..
Passing :: Passing (a.) Relating to the act of passing or going; going by, beyond, through, or away; departing..
Balsamation :: Balsamation (n.) The act of imparting balsamic properties.
Spring :: Spring (v. i.) An elastic body of any kind, as steel, India rubber, tough wood, or compressed air, used for various mechanical purposes, as receiving and imparting power, diminishing concussion, regulating motion, measuring weight or other force..
Parting :: Parting (n.) A joint or fissure, as in a coal seam..
Leave :: Leave (n.) The act of leaving or departing; a formal parting; a leaving; farewell; adieu; -- used chiefly in the phrase, to take leave, i. e., literally, to take permission to go..
Vulcanization :: Vulcanization (n.) The act or process of imparting to caoutchouc, gutta-percha, or the like, greater elasticity, durability, or hardness by heating with sulphur under pressure..
Dis- :: Dis- () A prefix from the Latin, whence F. des, or sometimes de-, dis-. The Latin dis-appears as di-before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, v, becomes dif-before f, and either dis-or di- before j. It is from the same root as bis twice, and duo, E. two. See Two, and cf. Bi-, Di-, Dia-. Dis-denotes separation, a parting from, as in distribute, disconnect; hence it often has the force of a privative and negative, as in disarm, disoblige, disagree. Also intensive, as in dissever..
Parting :: Parting (n.) The act of parting or dividing; the state of being parted; division; separation.
Pulley :: Pulley (v. t.) A wheel with a broad rim, or grooved rim, for transmitting power from, or imparting power to, the different parts of machinery, or for changing the direction of motion, by means of a belt, cord, rope, or chain..
Segregation :: Segregation (n.) The act of segregating, or the state of being segregated; separation from others; a parting..
Communicatory :: Communicatory (a.) Imparting knowledge or information.
Part :: Part (v. i.) To perform an act of parting; to relinquish a connection of any kind; -- followed by with or from.
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