Definition of particle

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Particle (n.) A subordinate word that is never inflected (a preposition, conjunction, interjection); or a word that can not be used except in compositions; as, ward in backward, ly in lovely..

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Siderosis :: Siderosis (n.) A sort of pneumonia occuring in iron workers, produced by the inhalation of particles of iron..
Filing :: Filing (n.) A fragment or particle rubbed off by the act of filing; as, iron filings..
Powder :: Powder (n.) The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding, grinding, or triturating, or into which it falls by decay; dust..
Fuzz :: Fuzz (n.) Fine, light particles or fibers; loose, volatile matter..
Ace :: Ace (n.) Hence: A very small quantity or degree; a particle; an atom; a jot.
Atom :: Atom (n.) An ultimate particle of matter not necessarily indivisible; a molecule.
Voluble :: Voluble (a.) Easily rolling or turning; easily set in motion; apt to roll; rotating; as, voluble particles of matter..
Expire :: Expire (v. t.) To give forth insensibly or gently, as a fluid or vapor; to emit in minute particles; to exhale; as, the earth expires a damp vapor; plants expire odors..
Ascus :: Ascus (n.) A small membranous bladder or tube in which are inclosed the seedlike reproductive particles or sporules of lichens and certain fungi.
Un- :: Un- (adv.) An inseparable prefix, or particle, signifying not; in-; non-. In- is prefixed mostly to words of Latin origin, or else to words formed by Latin suffixes; un- is of much wider application, and is attached at will to almost any adjective, or participle used adjectively, or adverb, from which it may be desired to form a corresponding negative adjective or adverb, and is also, but less freely, prefixed to nouns. Un- sometimes has merely an intensive force; as in unmerciless, unremorseles
Dissociate :: Dissociate (v. t.) To separate from fellowship or union; to disunite; to disjoin; as, to dissociate the particles of a concrete substance..
Attraction :: Attraction (n.) An invisible power in a body by which it draws anything to itself; the power in nature acting mutually between bodies or ultimate particles, tending to draw them together, or to produce their cohesion or combination, and conversely resisting separation..
Postposition :: Postposition (n.) A word or particle placed after, or at the end of, another word; -- distinguished from preposition..
Wave :: Wave (v. i.) A vibration propagated from particle to particle through a body or elastic medium, as in the transmission of sound; an assemblage of vibrating molecules in all phases of a vibration, with no phase repeated; a wave of vibration; an undulation. See Undulation..
Particle :: Particle (n.) A crumb or little piece of concecrated host.
Sand :: Sand (n.) Fine particles of stone, esp. of siliceous stone, but not reduced to dust; comminuted stone in the form of loose grains, which are not coherent when wet..
Repulsion :: Repulsion (n.) The power, either inherent or due to some physical action, by which bodies, or the particles of bodies, are made to recede from each other, or to resist each other's nearer approach; as, molecular repulsion; electrical repulsion..
Sparkle :: Sparkle (n.) To emit sparks; to throw off ignited or incandescent particles; to shine as if throwing off sparks; to emit flashes of light; to scintillate; to twinkle; as, the blazing wood sparkles; the stars sparkle..
Micella :: Micella (n.) A theoretical aggregation of molecules constituting a structural particle of protoplasm, capable of increase or diminution without change in chemical nature..
Intussusception :: Intussusception (n.) The interposition of new particles of formative material among those already existing, as in a cell wall, or in a starch grain..
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