Definition of pale

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Pale (n.) A stripe or band, as on a garment..

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Porpoise :: Porpoise (n.) Any small cetacean of the genus Phocaena, especially P. communis, or P. phocaena, of Europe, and the closely allied American species (P. Americana). The color is dusky or blackish above, paler beneath. They are closely allied to the dolphins, but have a shorter snout. Called also harbor porpoise, herring hag, puffing pig, and snuffer..
Silurian :: Silurian (a.) Of or pertaining to the country of the ancient Silures; -- a term applied to the earliest of the Paleozoic eras, and also to the strata of the era, because most plainly developed in that country..
Paleosaurus :: Paleosaurus (n.) A genus of fossil saurians found in the Permian formation.
Empalement :: Empalement (n.) A fencing, inclosing, or fortifying with stakes..
Pi�a Cloth :: Pi�a cloth () A fine material for ladies' shawls, scarfs, handkerchiefs, etc., made from the fiber of the pineapple leaf, and perhaps from other fibrous tropical leaves. It is delicate, soft, and transparent, with a slight tinge of pale yellow..
Doughy :: Doughy (a.) Like dough; soft and heavy; pasty; crude; flabby and pale; as, a doughy complexion..
Mica :: Mica (n.) The name of a group of minerals characterized by highly perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very thin leaves, more or less elastic. They differ widely in composition, and vary in color from pale brown or yellow to green or black. The transparent forms are used in lanterns, the doors of stoves, etc., being popularly called isinglass. Formerly called also cat-silver, and glimmer..
Jade :: "Jade (n.) A stone, commonly of a pale to dark green color but sometimes whitish. It is very hard and compact, capable of fine polish, and is used for ornamental purposes and for implements, esp. in Eastern countries and among many early peoples..
Kairine :: Kairine (n.) A pale buff or white crystalline alkaloid derived from quinoline, and used as an antipyretic in medicine..
Carpale :: Carpale (n.) One of the bones or cartilages of the carpus; esp. one of the series articulating with the metacarpals.
Morning-glory :: Morning-glory (n.) A climbing plant (Ipomoea purpurea) having handsome, funnel-shaped flowers, usually red, pink, purple, white, or variegated, sometimes pale blue. See Dextrorsal..
Paleontology :: Paleontology (n.) The science which treats of the ancient life of the earth, or of fossils which are the remains of such life..
Paled :: Paled (imp. & p. p.) of Pal.
Empale :: Empale (v. t.) To fence or fortify with stakes; to surround with a line of stakes for defense; to impale.
Pentamerus :: Pentamerus (n.) A genus of extinct Paleozoic brachiopods, often very abundant in the Upper Silurian..
Etiolate :: Etiolate (v. t.) To cause to grow pale by disease or absence of light.
Opalesce :: Opalesce (v. i.) To give forth a play of colors, like the opal..
White :: White (superl.) Destitute of color, as in the cheeks, or of the tinge of blood color; pale; pallid; as, white with fear..
Picket :: Picket (n.) A pointed pale, used in marking fences..
Lavender :: Lavender (n.) The pale, purplish color of lavender flowers, paler and more delicate than lilac..
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