Definition of overcome

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Overcome (v. t.) To come or pass over; to spreads over.

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Endurance :: Endurance (n.) The act of bearing or suffering; a continuing under pain or distress without resistance, or without being overcome; sufferance; patience..
Fordo :: Fordo (v. i.) To overcome with fatigue; to exhaust.
Drunken :: Drunken (v. i.) Overcome by strong drink; intoxicated by, or as by, spirituous liquor; inebriated..
Crush :: Crush (v. t.) To overcome completely; to subdue totally.
Convince :: Convince (v. t.) To overcome by argument; to force to yield assent to truth; to satisfy by proof.
Conquer :: Conquer (v. t.) To subdue or overcome by mental or moral power; to surmount; as, to conquer difficulties, temptation, etc..
Sleepy :: Sleepy (n.) Drowsy; inclined to, or overcome by, sleep..
Vanquish :: Vanquish (v. t.) To conquer, overcome, or subdue in battle, as an enemy..
Overcome :: Overcome (v. i.) To gain the superiority; to be victorious.
Insurmountable :: Insurmountable (a.) Incapable of being passed over, surmounted, or overcome; insuperable; as, insurmountable difficulty or obstacle..
Confute :: Confute (v. t.) To overwhelm by argument; to refute conclusively; to prove or show to be false or defective; to overcome; to silence.
Countervote :: Countervote (v. t.) To vote in opposition to; to balance or overcome by voting; to outvote.
Luctation :: Luctation (n.) Effort to overcome in contest; struggle; endeavor.
Prevail :: Prevail (v. i.) To overcome; to gain the victory or superiority; to gain the advantage; to have the upper hand, or the mastery; to succeed; -- sometimes with over or against..
Convince :: Convince (v. t.) To overpower; to overcome; to subdue or master.
Hydra :: Hydra (n.) Hence: A multifarious evil, or an evil having many sources; not to be overcome by a single effort..
Defeat :: Defeat (v. t.) To overcome or vanquish, as an army; to check, disperse, or ruin by victory; to overthrow..
Invincible :: Invincible (a.) Incapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued; unconquerable; insuperable; as, an invincible army, or obstacle..
Overgrow :: Overgrow (v. t.) To grow beyond; to rise above; hence, to overcome; to oppress..
Stun :: Stun (v. t.) To dull or deaden the sensibility of; to overcome; especially, to overpower one's sense of hearing..
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