Definition of original

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Original (n.) An original thinker or writer; an originator.

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Estreat :: Estreat (n.) A true copy, duplicate, or extract of an original writing or record, esp. of amercements or penalties set down in the rolls of court to be levied by the bailiff, or other officer..
Etymon :: Etymon (n.) An original form; primitive word; root.
Tomahawk :: Tomahawk (n.) A kind of war hatchet used by the American Indians. It was originally made of stone, but afterwards of iron..
Geomancy :: Geomancy (n.) A kind of divination by means of figures or lines, formed by little dots or points, originally on the earth, and latterly on paper..
Etymon :: Etymon (n.) Original or fundamental signification.
Cyclopaedia :: Cyclopaedia (n.) The circle or compass of the arts and sciences (originally, of the seven so-called liberal arts and sciences); circle of human knowledge. Hence, a work containing, in alphabetical order, information in all departments of knowledge, or on a particular department or branch; as, a cyclopedia of the physical sciences, or of mechanics. See Encyclopedia..
Cursitor :: Cursitor (n.) An officer in the Court of Chancery, whose business is to make out original writs..
D :: D () As a numeral D stands for 500. in this use it is not the initial of any word, or even strictly a letter, but one half of the sign / (or / ) the original Tuscan numeral for 1000..
Infralapsarian :: Infralapsarian (n.) One of that class of Calvinists who consider the decree of election as contemplating the apostasy as past and the elect as being at the time of election in a fallen and guilty state; -- opposed to Supralapsarian. The former considered the election of grace as a remedy for an existing evil; the latter regarded the fall as a part of God's original purpose in regard to men.
Buddhism :: Buddhism (n.) The religion based upon the doctrine originally taught by the Hindoo sage Gautama Siddartha, surnamed Buddha, the awakened or enlightened, in the sixth century b. c., and adopted as a religion by the greater part of the inhabitants of Central and Eastern Asia and the Indian Islands. Buddha's teaching is believed to have been atheistic; yet it was characterized by elevated humanity and morality. It presents release from existence (a beatific enfranchisement, Nirvana) as the greatest
Tabarder :: Tabarder (n.) A scholar on the foundation of Queen's College, Oxford, England, whose original dress was a tabard..
Adoption :: Adoption (n.) The choosing and making that to be one's own which originally was not so; acceptance; as, the adoption of opinions..
Repristination :: Repristination (n.) Restoration to an original state; renewal of purity.
Champagne :: Champagne (n.) A light wine, of several kinds, originally made in the province of Champagne, in France..
Original :: Original (n.) A person of marked eccentricity.
Earthborn :: Earthborn (a.) Born of the earth; terrigenous; springing originally from the earth; human.
Shammy :: Shammy (n.) A soft, pliant leather, prepared originally from the skin of the chamois, but now made also from the skin of the sheep, goat, kid, deer, and calf. See Shamoying..
Dalmatic :: Dalmatic (n.) A vestment with wide sleeves, and with two stripes, worn at Mass by deacons, and by bishops at pontifical Mass; -- imitated from a dress originally worn in Dalmatia..
Exemplar :: Exemplar (n.) A model, original, or pattern, to be copied or imitated; a specimen; sometimes; an ideal model or type, as that which an artist conceives..
Ditheism :: Ditheism (n.) The doctrine of those who maintain the existence of two gods or of two original principles (as in Manicheism), one good and one evil; dualism..
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