Definition of open

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Open (v. t.) To loosen or make less compact; as, to open matted cotton by separating the fibers..

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Umbraculiferous :: Umbraculiferous (a.) Bearing something like an open umbrella.
Scupper :: Scupper (v.) An opening cut through the waterway and bulwarks of a ship, so that water falling on deck may flow overboard; -- called also scupper hole..
Resonator :: Resonator (n.) Anything which resounds; specifically, a vessel in the form of a cylinder open at one end, or a hollow ball of brass with two apertures, so contrived as to greatly intensify a musical tone by its resonance. It is used for the study and analysis of complex sounds..
Oubliette :: Oubliette (n.) A dungeon with an opening only at the top, found in some old castles and other strongholds, into which persons condemned to perpetual imprisonment, or to perish secretly, were thrust, or lured to fall..
Grail :: Grail (n.) A broad, open dish; a chalice; -- only used of the Holy Grail..
Overt :: Overt (a.) Open to view; public; apparent; manifest.
Divide :: Divide (v. i.) To be separated; to part; to open; to go asunder.
Pirate :: Pirate (n.) A robber on the high seas; one who by open violence takes the property of another on the high seas; especially, one who makes it his business to cruise for robbery or plunder; a freebooter on the seas; also, one who steals in a harbor..
Pioneer :: Pioneer (v. t. & i.) To go before, and prepare or open a way for; to act as pioneer..
Porte-cochere :: Porte-cochere (n.) A large doorway allowing vehicles to drive into or through a building. It is common to have the entrance door open upon the passage of the porte-cochere. Also, a porch over a driveway before an entrance door..
Claribella :: Claribella (n.) A soft, sweet stop, or set of open wood pipes in an organ..
Arch :: Arch (n.) Usually a curved member made up of separate wedge-shaped solids, with the joints between them disposed in the direction of the radii of the curve; used to support the wall or other weight above an opening. In this sense arches are segmental, round (i. e., semicircular), or pointed..
Wirework :: Wirework (n.) Work, especially openwork, formed of wires..
Imitational :: Imitational (a.) Pertaining to, or employed in, imitation; as, imitational propensities..
Disoppilate :: Disoppilate (v. t.) To open.
Explicate :: Explicate (v. t.) To unfold; to expand; to lay open.
Inhabitativeness :: Inhabitativeness (n.) A tendency or propensity to permanent residence in a place or abode; love of home and country.
Opeidoscope :: Opeidoscope (n.) An instrument, consisting of a tube having one end open and the other end covered with a thin flexible membrance to the center of which is attached a small mirror. It is used for exhibiting upon a screen, by means of rays reflected from the mirror, the vibratory motions caused by sounds produced at the open end of the tube, as by speaking or singing into it..
Share :: Share (n.) The part which opens the ground for the reception of the seed, in a machine for sowing seed..
Open :: Open (a.) Not settled or adjusted; not decided or determined; not closed or withdrawn from consideration; as, an open account; an open question; to keep an offer or opportunity open..
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