Definition of nocturnal

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Nocturnal (a.) Of, pertaining to, done or occuring in, the night; as, nocturnal darkness, cries, expedition, etc.; -- opposed to diurnal..

Lern More About Nocturnal

Nocturnal :: Nocturnal (n.) An instrument formerly used for taking the altitude of the stars, etc., at sea..
Woodcock :: Woodcock (n.) Any one of several species of long-billed limicoline birds belonging to the genera Scolopax and Philohela. They are mostly nocturnal in their habits, and are highly esteemed as game birds..
Moth :: Moth (n.) Any nocturnal lepidopterous insect, or any not included among the butterflies; as, the luna moth; Io moth; hawk moth..
Nocturnal :: Nocturnal (a.) Having a habit of seeking food or moving about at night; as, nocturnal birds and insects..
Jackal :: "Jackal (n.) Any one of several species of carnivorous animals inhabiting Africa and Asia, related to the dog and wolf. They are cowardly, nocturnal, and gregarious. They feed largely on carrion, and are noted for their piercing and dismal howling..
Durukuli :: Durukuli (n.) A small, nocturnal, South American monkey (Nyctipthecus trivirgatus)..
Arc :: Arc (n.) The apparent arc described, above or below the horizon, by the sun or other celestial body. The diurnal arc is described during the daytime, the nocturnal arc during the night..
Hornbug :: Hornbug (n.) A large nocturnal beetle of the genus Lucanus (as L. capreolus, and L. dama), having long, curved upper jaws, resembling a sickle. The grubs are found in the trunks of old trees..
Lucubration :: Lucubration (n.) The act of lucubrating, or studying by candlelight; nocturnal study; meditation..
Kinkajou :: Kinkajou (n.) A nocturnal carnivorous mammal (Cercoleptes caudivolvulus) of South America, about as large as a full-grown cat. It has a prehensile tail and lives in trees. It is the only representative of a distinct family (Cercoleptidae) allied to the raccoons. Called also potto, and honey bear..
Guacharo :: Guacharo (n.) A nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad (Steatornis Caripensis, or S. steatornis); -- called also oilbird..
Kakapo :: Kakapo (n.) A singular nocturnal parrot (Strigops habroptilus), native of New Zealand. It lives in holes during the day, but is active at night. It resembles an owl in its colors and general appearance. It has large wings, but can fly only a short distance. Called also owl parrot, night parrot, and night kaka..
Onappo :: Onappo (n.) A nocturnal South American monkey (Callithrix discolor), noted for its agility; -- called also ventriloquist monkey..
Wombat :: Wombat (n.) Any one of three species of Australian burrowing marsupials of the genus Phascolomys, especially the common species (P. ursinus). They are nocturnal in their habits, and feed mostly on roots..
Hyena :: Hyena (n.) Any carnivorous mammal of the family Hyaenidae, of which three living species are known. They are large and strong, but cowardly. They feed chiefly on carrion, and are nocturnal in their habits..
Sabbat :: Sabbat (n.) In mediaeval demonology, the nocturnal assembly in which demons and sorcerers were thought to celebrate their orgies..
Lemur :: Lemur (n.) One of a family (Lemuridae) of nocturnal mammals allied to the monkeys, but of small size, and having a sharp and foxlike muzzle, and large eyes. They feed upon birds, insects, and fruit, and are mostly natives of Madagascar and the neighboring islands, one genus (Galago) occurring in Africa. The slow lemur or kukang of the East Indies is Nycticebus tardigradus. See Galago, Indris, and Colugo..
Nocturnal :: Nocturnal (a.) Of, pertaining to, done or occuring in, the night; as, nocturnal darkness, cries, expedition, etc.; -- opposed to diurnal..
Raccoon :: Raccoon (n.) A North American nocturnal carnivore (Procyon lotor) allied to the bears, but much smaller, and having a long, full tail, banded with black and gray. Its body is gray, varied with black and white. Called also coon, and mapach..
Cresset :: Cresset (n.) An open frame or basket of iron, filled with combustible material, to be burned as a beacon; an open lamp or firrepan carried on a pole in nocturnal processions..
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