Arrayer :: Arrayer (n.) One who arrays. In some early English statutes, applied to an officer who had care of the soldiers' armor, and who saw them duly accoutered..
Assayer :: Assayer (n.) One who assays. Specifically: One who examines metallic ores or compounds, for the purpose of determining the amount of any particular metal in the same, especially of gold or silver..
Avoyer :: Avoyer (n.) A chief magistrate of a free imperial city or canton of Switzerland.
Aye-aye :: Aye-aye (n.) A singular nocturnal quadruped, allied to the lemurs, found in Madagascar (Cheiromys Madagascariensis), remarkable for its long fingers, sharp nails, and rodent-like incisor teeth..
Ayegreen :: Ayegreen (n.) The houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum).