Disentwine :: Disentwine (v. t.) To free from being entwined or twisted.
Dwine :: Dwine (v. i.) To waste away; to pine; to languish.
Entwine :: Entwine (v. t.) To twine, twist, or wreathe together or round..
Entwine :: Entwine (v. i.) To be twisted or twined.
Entwinement :: Entwinement (n.) A twining or twisting together or round; union.
Fordwine :: Fordwine (v. i.) To dwindle away; to disappear.
Intertwine :: Intertwine (v. t.) To unite by twining one with another; to entangle; to interlace.
Intertwine :: Intertwine (v. i.) To be twined or twisted together; to become mutually involved or enfolded.
Intertwine :: Intertwine (n.) The act intertwining, or the state of being intertwined..
Intwine :: Intwine (v. t.) To twine or twist into, or together; to wreathe; as, a wreath of flowers intwined..
Intwine :: Intwine (v. i.) To be or to become intwined.
Intwinement :: Intwinement (n.) The act of twinning, or the state of being intwined..
Lager Wine :: Lager wine () Wine which has been kept for some time in the cellar.
Shadowiness :: Shadowiness (n.) The quality or state of being shadowy.
Showiness :: Showiness (n.) The quality or state of being showy; pompousness; great parade; ostentation.
Swine :: Swindlery (n.) Swindling; rougery.
Swinebread :: Swine (n.) Any animal of the hog kind, especially one of the domestical species. Swine secrete a large amount of subcutaneous fat, which, when extracted, is known as lard. The male is specifically called boar, the female, sow, and the young, pig. See Hog..
Swineery :: Swine-pox (n.) A variety of the chicken pox, with acuminated vesicles containing a watery fluid; the water pox..