Advocacy :: Advocacy (n.) The act of pleading for or supporting; work of advocating; intercession.
Advocate :: Advocate (n.) One who pleads the cause of another. Specifically: One who pleads the cause of another before a tribunal or judicial court; a counselor.
Advocate :: Advocate (n.) One who defends, vindicates, or espouses any cause by argument; a pleader; as, an advocate of free trade, an advocate of truth..
Advocate :: Advocate (n.) Christ, considered as an intercessor..
Advocate :: Advocate (n.) To plead in favor of; to defend by argument, before a tribunal or the public; to support, vindicate, or recommend publicly..
Advowson :: Advowson (n.) The right of presenting to a vacant benefice or living in the church. [Originally, the relation of a patron (advocatus) or protector of a benefice, and thus privileged to nominate or present to it.].
Alto-rilievo :: Alto-rilievo (n.) High relief; sculptured work in which the figures project more than half their thickness; as, this figure is an alto-rilievo or in alto-rilievo..