Cavetto :: Cavetto (n.) A concave molding; -- used chiefly in classical architecture. See Illust. of Column.
Chevet :: Chevet (n.) The extreme end of the chancel or choir; properly the round or polygonal part.
Chichling Vetch :: Chichling vetch (n.) A leguminous plant (Lathyrus sativus), with broad flattened seeds which are sometimes used for food..
Civet :: Civet (n.) A substance, of the consistence of butter or honey, taken from glands in the anal pouch of the civet (Viverra civetta). It is of clear yellowish or brownish color, of a strong, musky odor, offensive when undiluted, but agreeable when a small portion is mixed with another substance. It is used as a perfume..
Civet :: Civet (n.) The animal that produces civet (Viverra civetta); -- called also civet cat. It is carnivorous, from two to three feet long, and of a brownish gray color, with transverse black bands and spots on the body and tail. It is a native of northern Africa and of Asia. The name is also applied to other species..
Civet :: Civet (v. t.) To scent or perfume with civet.
Corvette :: Corvette (n.) A war vessel, ranking next below a frigate, and having usually only one tier of guns; -- called in the United States navy a sloop of war..
Covetousness :: Covetousness (n.) A strong or inordinate desire of obtaining and possessing some supposed good; excessive desire for riches or money; -- in a bad sense.