Mediaevalism :: Mediaevalism (n.) The method or spirit of the Middle Ages; devotion to the institutions and practices of the Middle Ages; a survival from the Middle Ages.
Mediaevalist :: Mediaevalist (n.) One who has a taste for, or is versed in, the history of the Middle Ages; one in sympathy with the spirit or forms of the Middle Ages..
Medievalist :: Medievalist () Same as Medi/val, Medi/valism, etc..
Revivalism :: Revivalism (n.) The spirit of religious revivals; the methods of revivalists.
Revivalist :: Revivalist (n.) A clergyman or layman who promotes revivals of religion; an advocate for religious revivals; sometimes, specifically, a clergyman, without a particular charge, who goes about to promote revivals. Also used adjectively..
Valise :: Valise (n.) A small sack or case, usually of leather, but sometimes of other material, for containing the clothes, toilet articles, etc., of a traveler; a traveling bag; a portmanteau..