Unhair :: Unhair (v. t.) To deprive of hair, or of hairs; as, to unhair hides for leather..
Unhallowed :: Unhallowed (a.) Not consecrated; hence, profane; unholy; impious; wicked..
Unhand :: Unhand (v. t.) To loose from the hand; to let go.
Unhandsome :: Unhandsome (a.) Not handsome; not beautiful; ungraceful; not comely or pleasing; plain; homely.
Unhandsome :: Unhandsome (a.) Wanting noble or amiable qualities; dishonorable; illiberal; low; disingenuous; mean; indecorous; as, unhandsome conduct, treatment, or imputations..
Unhandsome :: Unhandsome (a.) Unhandy; clumsy; awkward; inconvenient.
Unhandy :: Unhandy (a.) Clumsy; awkward; as, an Unhandy man..
Unhang :: Unhang (v. t.) To divest or strip of hangings; to remove the hangings, as a room..
Unhang :: Unhang (v. t.) To remove (something hanging or swinging) from that which supports it; as, to unhang a gate..
Unhap :: Unhap (n.) Ill luck; misfortune.
Unhappy :: Unhappy (a.) Not happy or fortunate; unfortunate; unlucky; as, affairs have taken an unhappy turn..
Unhappy :: Unhappy (a.) In a degree miserable or wretched; not happy; sad; sorrowful; as, children render their parents unhappy by misconduct..
Unhappy :: Unhappy (a.) Marked by infelicity; evil; calamitous; as, an unhappy day..
Unhappy :: Unhappy (a.) Mischievous; wanton; wicked.
Unharbor :: Unharbor (v. t.) To drive from harbor or shelter.
Unharbored :: Unharbored (a.) Having no harbor or shelter; unprotected.
Unharmonious :: Unharmonious (a.) Inharmonious; unsymmetrical; also, unmusical; discordant..
Unharness :: Unharness (v. t.) To strip of harness; to loose from harness or gear; as, to unharness horses or oxen..
Unharness :: Unharness (v. t.) To disarm; to divest of armor.
Unhasp :: Unhasp (v. t.) To unloose the hasp of; to unclose.
Unhat :: Unhat (v. t. & i.) To take off the hat of; to remove one's hat, especially as a mark of respect..