By-turning :: By-turning (n.) An obscure road; a way turning from the main road.
Saturnine :: Saturnine (a.) Born under, or influenced by, the planet Saturn..
Saturnine :: Saturnine (a.) Heavy; grave; gloomy; dull; -- the opposite of mercurial; as, a saturnine person or temper..
Saturnine :: Saturnine (a.) Of or pertaining to lead; characterized by, or resembling, lead, which was formerly called Saturn..
Turning :: Turning (n.) The act of one who, or that which, turns; also, a winding; a bending course; a fiexure; a meander..
Turning :: Turning (n.) The place of a turn; an angle or corner, as of a road..
Turning :: Turning (n.) Deviation from the way or proper course.
Turning :: Turning (n.) Turnery, or the shaping of solid substances into various by means of a lathe and cutting tools..
Turning :: Turning (n.) The pieces, or chips, detached in the process of turning from the material turned..
Turning :: Turning (n.) A maneuver by which an enemy or a position is turned.
Turningness :: Turningness (n.) The quality of turning; instability; tergiversation.