Maxilloturbinal :: Maxilloturbinal (a.) Pertaining to the maxillary and turbinal regions of the skull.
Maxilloturbinal :: Maxilloturbinal (n.) The maxillo-turbinal, or inferior turbinate, bone..
Nasoturbinal :: Nasoturbinal (a.) Connected with, or near, both the turbinal and the nasal bones; as, the nasalturbinal bone, made up of the uppermost lammelae of the ethmoturbinal, and sometimes united with the nasal..
Turbid :: Turbid (a.) Having the lees or sediment disturbed; roiled; muddy; thick; not clear; -- used of liquids of any kind; as, turbid water; turbid wine..
Turbinaceous :: Turbinaceous (a.) Of or pertaining to peat, or turf; of the nature of peat, or turf; peaty; turfy..
Turbinal :: Turbinal (a.) Rolled in a spiral; scroll-like; turbinate; -- applied to the thin, plicated, bony or cartilaginous plates which support the olfactory and mucous membranes of the nasal chambers..
Turbinal :: Turbinal (n.) A turbinal bone or cartilage.
Turbinate :: Turbinate (v. i.) To revolve or spin like a top; to whirl.
Turbinated :: Turbinated (a.) Whirling in the manner of a top.
Turbinated :: Turbinated (a.) Shaped like a top, or inverted cone; narrow at the base, and broad at the apex; as, a turbinated ovary, pericarp, or root..
Turbinated :: Turbinated (a.) Spiral with the whorls decreasing rapidly from a large base to a pointed apex; -- said of certain shells.
Turbination :: Turbination (n.) The act of spinning or whirling, as a top..
Turbine :: Turbine (n.) A water wheel, commonly horizontal, variously constructed, but usually having a series of curved floats or buckets, against which the water acts by its impulse or reaction in flowing either outward from a central chamber, inward from an external casing, or from above downward, etc.; -- also called turbine wheel..
Turbinella :: Turbinella (n.) A genus of large marine gastropods having a thick heavy shell with conspicuous folds on the columella.
Turbinite :: Turbinite (n.) A petrified shell resembling the genus Turbo.
Turbinoid :: Turbinoid (a.) Like or pertaining to Turbo or the family Turbinidae.