Anisotropic :: Anisotropic (a.) Not isotropic; having different properties in different directions; thus, crystals of the isometric system are optically isotropic, but all other crystals are anisotropic..
Apheliotropic :: Apheliotropic (a.) Turning away from the sun; -- said of leaves, etc..
Apogeotropic :: Apogeotropic (a.) Bending away from the ground; -- said of leaves, etc..
Diageotropic :: Diageotropic (a.) Relating to, or exhibiting, diageotropism..
Diaheliotropic :: Diaheliotropic (a.) Relating or, or manifesting, diaheliotropism..
Emmetropic :: Emmetropic (a.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, emmetropia..
Extratropical :: Extratropical (a.) Beyond or outside of the tropics.
Geotropic :: Geotropic (a.) Relating to, or showing, geotropism..
Heliotropic :: Heliotropic (a.) Manifesting heliotropism; turning toward the sun.
Hydrotropic :: Hydrotropic (a.) Turning or bending towards moisture, as roots..
Intertropical :: Intertropical (a.) Situated between or within the tropics.
Isotropic :: Isotropic (a.) Having the same properties in all directions; specifically, equally elastic in all directions..
Neotropical :: Neotropical (a.) Belonging to, or designating, a region of the earth's surface which comprises most of South America, the Antilles, and tropical North America..
Nyctitropic :: Nyctitropic (a.) Turning or bending at night into special positions.
Orthotropic :: Orthotropic (a.) Having the longer axis vertical; -- said of erect stems.
Tropic :: Tropic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from atropine and certain other alkaloids, as a white crystalline substance slightly soluble in water..
Tropic :: Tropic (n.) One of the two small circles of the celestial sphere, situated on each side of the equator, at a distance of 23? 28/, and parallel to it, which the sun just reaches at its greatest declination north or south, and from which it turns again toward the equator, the northern circle being called the Tropic of Cancer, and the southern the Tropic of Capricorn, from the names of the two signs at which they touch the ecliptic..
Tropic :: Tropic (n.) One of the two parallels of terrestrial latitude corresponding to the celestial tropics, and called by the same names..
Tropic :: Tropic (n.) The region lying between these parallels of latitude, or near them on either side..