Automaton :: Automaton (v. i.) Any thing or being regarded as having the power of spontaneous motion or action.
Automaton :: Automaton (v. i.) A self-moving machine, or one which has its motive power within itself; -- applied chiefly to machines which appear to imitate spontaneously the motions of living beings, such as men, birds, etc..
Siphonostomatous :: Siphonostomatous (a.) Having the front edge of the aperture of the shell prolonged in the shape of a channel for the protection of the siphon; -- said of certain gastropods.
Stomatoplastic :: Stomatogastric (a.) Of or pertaining to the mouth and the stomach; as, the stomatogastric ganglion of certain Mollusca..
Stomatopod :: Stomatoplastic (a.) Of or pertaining to the operation of forming a mouth where the aperture has been contracted, or in any way deformed..
Stomatoscope :: Stomatopodous (a.) Of or pertaining to the Stomatopoda.
Stomatous :: Stomatoscope (n.) An apparatus for examining the interior of the mouth.
Symptomatology :: Symptomatical (a.) According to symptoms; as, a symptomatical classification of diseases..
Tomato :: Tomato (n.) The fruit of a plant of the Nightshade family (Lycopersicum esculentun); also, the plant itself. The fruit, which is called also love apple, is usually of a rounded, flattened form, but often irregular in shape. It is of a bright red or yellow color, and is eaten either cooked or uncooked..