Acetimeter :: Acetimeter (n.) An instrument for estimating the amount of acetic acid in vinegar or in any liquid containing acetic acid.
Acetimetry :: Acetimetry (n.) The act or method of ascertaining the strength of vinegar, or the proportion of acetic acid contained in it..
Aforetime :: Aforetime (adv.) In time past; formerly.
Altimeter :: Altimeter (n.) An instrument for taking altitudes, as a quadrant, sextant, etc..
Altimetry :: Altimetry (n.) The art of measuring altitudes, or heights..
Antimephitic :: Antimephitic (a.) Good against mephitic or deleterious gases.
Antimephitic :: Antimephitic (n.) A remedy against mephitic gases.
Antimere :: Antimere (n.) One of the two halves of bilaterally symmetrical animals; one of any opposite symmetrical or homotypic parts in animals and plants.
Antimetabole :: Antimetabole (n.) A figure in which the same words or ideas are repeated in transposed order.
Antimetathesis :: Antimetathesis (n.) An antithesis in which the members are repeated in inverse order.
Antimeter :: Antimeter (n.) A modification of the quadrant, for measuring small angles..
Centimetre :: Centimetre (n.) The hundredth part of a meter; a measure of length equal to rather more than thirty-nine hundredths (0.3937) of an inch. See Meter.
Countertime :: Countertime (n.) The resistance of a horse, that interrupts his cadence and the measure of his manege, occasioned by a bad horseman, or the bad temper of the horse..