Anathema :: Anathema (n.) A ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority, and accompanied by excommunication. Hence: Denunciation of anything as accursed..
Anathema :: Anathema (n.) An imprecation; a curse; a malediction.
Anathema :: Anathema (n.) Any person or thing anathematized, or cursed by ecclesiastical authority..
Anthem :: Anthem (n.) Formerly, a hymn sung in alternate parts, in present usage, a selection from the Psalms, or other parts of the Scriptures or the liturgy, set to sacred music..
Apothem :: Apothem (n.) The perpendicular from the center to one of the sides of a regular polygon.
Apothem :: Apothem (n.) A deposit formed in a liquid extract of a vegetable substance by exposure to the air.
Chrysanthemum :: Chrysanthemum (n.) A genus of composite plants, mostly perennial, and of many species including the many varieties of garden chrysanthemums (annual and perennial), and also the feverfew and the oxeye daisy..
Embreathement :: Embreathement (n.) The act of breathing in; inspiration.
Enswathement :: Enswathement (n.) The act of enswathing, or the state of being enswathed..
Epithem :: Epithem (n.) Any external topical application to the body, except ointments and plasters, as a poultice, lotion, etc..
Epithema :: Epithema (n.) A horny excrescence upon the beak of birds.
Erythema :: Erythema (n.) A disease of the skin, in which a diffused inflammation forms rose-colored patches of variable size..
Erythematic :: Erythematic (a.) Characterized by, or causing, a morbid redness of the skin; relating to erythema..
Erythematous :: Erythematous (a.) Relating to, or causing, erythema..
Exanthema :: Exanthema (n.) An efflorescence or discoloration of the skin; an eruption or breaking out, as in measles, smallpox, scarlatina, and the like diseases; -- sometimes limited to eruptions attended with fever..