Textual :: Textual (a.) Of, pertaining to, or contained in, the text; as, textual criticism; a textual reading..
Textual :: Textual (a.) Serving for, or depending on, texts..
Textual :: Textual (a.) Familiar with texts or authorities so as to cite them accurately.
Textually :: Textually (adv.) In a textual manner; in the text or body of a work; in accordance with the text.
Textuary :: Textuary (a.) Contained in the text; textual.
Textuary :: Textuary (a.) Serving as a text; authoritative.
Textuary :: Textuary (n.) One who is well versed in the Scriptures; a textman.
Textuary :: Textuary (n.) One who adheres strictly or rigidly to the text.