Bucentaur :: Bucentaur (n.) The state barge of Venice, used by the doge in the ceremony of espousing the Adriatic..
Centaur :: Centaur (n.) A fabulous being, represented as half man and half horse..
Centaur :: Centaur (n.) A constellation in the southern heavens between Hydra and the Southern Cross.
Centaurea :: Centaurea (n.) A large genus of composite plants, related to the thistles and including the cornflower or bluebottle (Centaurea Cyanus) and the star thistle (C. Calcitrapa)..
Centaury :: Centaury (n.) A gentianaceous plant not fully identified. The name is usually given to the Erytheraea Centaurium and the Chlora perfoliata of Europe, but is also extended to the whole genus Sabbatia, and even to the unrelated Centaurea..
Petaurist :: Petaurist (n.) Any flying marsupial of the genera Petaurus, Phalangista, Acrobata, and allied genera. See Flying mouse, under Flying, and Phalangister..