Marsupialia :: Marsupialia (n. pl.) A subclass of Mammalia, including nearly all the mammals of Australia and the adjacent islands, together with the opossums of America. They differ from ordinary mammals in having the corpus callosum very small, in being implacental, and in having their young born while very immature. The female generally carries the young for some time after birth in an external pouch, or marsupium. Called also Marsupiata..
Marsupiate :: Marsupiate (a.) Related to or resembling the marsupials; furnished with a pouch for the young, as the marsupials, and also some fishes and Crustacea..
Marsupite :: Marsupite (n.) A fossil crinoid of the genus Marsupites, resembling a purse in form..
Marsupium :: Marsupium (n.) The pouch, formed by a fold of the skin of the abdomen, in which marsupials carry their young; also, a pouch for similar use in other animals, as certain Crustacea..
Marsupium :: Marsupium (n.) The pecten in the eye of birds and reptiles. See Pecten.
Resupinate :: Resupinate (a.) Inverted in position; appearing to be upside down or reversed, as the flowers of the orchis and the leaves of some plants..
Supinity :: Supine (n.) A verbal noun; or (according to C.F.Becker), a case of the infinitive mood ending in -um and -u, that in -um being sometimes called the former supine, and that in -u the latter supine..