''snails :: 'Snails (interj.) God's nails, or His nails, that is, the nails with which the Savior was fastened to the cross; -- an ancient form of oath, corresponding to 'Od's bodikins (dim. of body, i.e., God's dear body)..
Abstemiousness :: Abstemiousness (n.) The quality of being abstemious, temperate, or sparing in the use of food and strong drinks. It expresses a greater degree of abstinence than temperance..
Acrimoniousness :: Acrimoniousness (n.) The quality of being acrimonious; asperity; acrimony.
Blacksnake :: Blacksnake (n.) A snake of a black color, of which two species are common in the United States, the Bascanium constrictor, or racer, sometimes six feet long, and the Scotophis Alleghaniensis, seven or eight feet long..