Disingenuous :: Disingenuous (a.) Not noble; unbecoming true honor or dignity; mean; unworthy; as, disingenuous conduct or schemes..
Disingenuous :: Disingenuous (a.) Not ingenuous; wanting in noble candor or frankness; not frank or open; uncandid; unworthily or meanly artful.
Hisingerite :: Hisingerite (n.) A soft black, iron ore, nearly earthy, a hydrous silicate of iron..
Mastersinger :: Mastersinger (n.) One of a class of poets which flourished in Nuremberg and some other cities of Germany in the 15th and 16th centuries. They bound themselves to observe certain arbitrary laws of rhythm.
Minnesinger :: Minnesinger (n.) A love-singer; specifically, one of a class of German poets and musicians who flourished from about the middle of the twelfth to the middle of the fourteenth century. They were chiefly of noble birth, and made love and beauty the subjects of their verses..
Singe :: Singe (v. t.) To burn slightly or superficially; to burn the surface of; to burn the ends or outside of; as, to singe the hair or the skin..
Singe :: Singe (v. t.) To remove the nap of (cloth), by passing it rapidly over a red-hot bar, or over a flame, preliminary to dyeing it..
Singe :: Singe (v. t.) To remove the hair or down from (a plucked chicken or the like) by passing it over a flame.
Singe :: Singe (n.) A burning of the surface; a slight burn.