Disinfect :: Disinfect (v. t.) To free from infectious or contagious matter; to destroy putrefaction; to purify; to make innocuous.
Disinfectant :: Disinfectant (n.) That which disinfects; an agent for removing the causes of infection, as chlorine..
Disinfection :: Disinfection (n.) The act of disinfecting; purification from infecting matter.
Disinfector :: Disinfector (n.) One who, or that which, disinfects; an apparatus for applying disinfectants..
Misinform :: Misinform (v. t.) To give untrue information to; to inform wrongly.
Misinform :: Misinform (v. i.) To give untrue information; (with against) to calumniate.
Misinformer :: Misinformer (n.) One who gives or incorrect information.
Sinful :: Sinful (a.) Tainted with, or full of, sin; wicked; iniquitous; criminal; unholy; as, sinful men; sinful thoughts..