Assignee :: Assignee (v.) A person to whom an assignment is made; a person appointed or deputed by another to do some act, perform some business, or enjoy some right, privilege, or property; as, an assignee of a bankrupt. See Assignment (c). An assignee may be by special appointment or deed, or be created by jaw; as an executor..
Assignee :: Assignee (v.) In England, the persons appointed, under a commission of bankruptcy, to manage the estate of a bankrupt for the benefit of his creditors..
Assigner :: Assigner (n.) One who assigns, appoints, allots, or apportions..
Consigne :: Consigne (n.) A countersign; a watchword.
Consigne :: Consigne (n.) One who is orders to keep within certain limits.
Signer :: Signer (n.) One who signs or subscribes his name; as, a memorial with a hundred signers..
Signet :: Signet (n.) A seal; especially, in England, the seal used by the sovereign in sealing private letters and grants that pass by bill under the sign manual; -- called also privy signet..
Signeted :: Signeted (a.) Stamped or marked with a signet.
Subsigned :: Subsidy (n.) A grant from the government, from a municipal corporation, or the like, to a private person or company to assist the establishment or support of an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public; a subvention; as, a subsidy to the owners of a line of ocean steamships..