Cumshaw :: Cumshaw (n.) A present or bonus; -- originally applied to that paid on ships which entered the port of Canton.
Cumshaw :: Cumshaw (v. t.) To give or make a present to.
Goshawk :: Goshawk (n.) Any large hawk of the genus Astur, of which many species and varieties are known. The European (Astur palumbarius) and the American (A. atricapillus) are the best known species. They are noted for their powerful flight, activity, and courage. The Australian goshawk (A. Novae-Hollandiae) is pure white..
Pshaw :: Pshaw (interj.) Pish! pooch! -- an exclamation used as an expression of contempt, disdain, dislike, etc..
Pshaw :: Pshaw (v. i.) To express disgust or contemptuous disapprobation, as by the exclamation Pshaw!.
Scrimshaw :: Scrimshaw (v. t.) To ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines..
Scrimshaw :: Scrimshaw (n.) A shell, a whale's tooth, or the like, that is scrimshawed..
Shaw :: Shaw (n.) A thicket; a small wood or grove.
Shaw :: Shaw (n.) The leaves and tops of vegetables, as of potatoes, turnips, etc..
Shawfowl :: Shawfowl (n.) The representation or image of a fowl made by fowlers to shoot at.
Shawl :: Shawl (n.) A square or oblong cloth of wool, cotton, silk, or other textile or netted fabric, used, especially by women, as a loose covering for the neck and shoulders..
Shawm :: Shawm (n.) A wind instrument of music, formerly in use, supposed to have resembled either the clarinet or the hautboy in form..
Shawnees :: Shawnees (n. pl.) A tribe of North American Indians who occupied Western New York and part of Ohio, but were driven away and widely dispersed by the Iroquois..