Baseball :: Baseball (n.) A game of ball, so called from the bases or bounds ( four in number) which designate the circuit which each player must endeavor to make after striking the ball..
Baseball :: Baseball (n.) The ball used in this game.
Baseboard :: Baseboard (n.) A board, or other woodwork, carried round the walls of a room and touching the floor, to form a base and protect the plastering; -- also called washboard (in England), mopboard, and scrubboard..
Gooseberry :: Gooseberry (a.) Any thorny shrub of the genus Ribes; also, the edible berries of such shrub. There are several species, of which Ribes Grossularia is the one commonly cultivated..
Gooseberry :: Gooseberry (a.) A silly person; a goose cap.
Horseback :: Horseback (n.) An extended ridge of sand, gravel, and bowlders, in a half-stratified condition..
Housebote :: Housebote (n.) Wood allowed to a tenant for repairing the house and for fuel. This latter is often called firebote. See Bote.
Housebreaker :: Housebreaker (n.) One who is guilty of the crime of housebreaking.
Housebreaking :: Housebreaking (n.) The act of breaking open and entering, with a felonious purpose, the dwelling house of another, whether done by day or night. See Burglary, and To break a house, under Break..
Housebuilder :: Housebuilder (n.) One whose business is to build houses; a housewright.
Rosebay :: Rosebay (n.) Any shrub of the genus Rhododendron.
Rosebay :: Rosebay (n.) An herb (Epilobium spicatum) with showy purple flowers, common in Europe and North America; -- called also great willow herb..
Rosebud :: Rosebud (n.) The flower of a rose before it opens, or when but partially open..
Rosebush :: Rosebush (n.) The bush or shrub which bears roses.
Sebaceous :: Sebaceous (a.) Pertaining to, or secreting, fat; composed of fat; having the appearance of fat; as, the sebaceous secretions of some plants, or the sebaceous humor of animals..