Acritude :: Acritude (n.) Acridity; pungency joined with heat.
Amaritude :: Amaritude (n.) Bitterness.
Bona Peritura :: Bona peritura () Perishable goods.
Claritude :: Claritude (n.) Clearness; splendor.
Contriturate :: Contriturate (v. t.) To triturate; to pulverize.
Crebritude :: Crebritude (n.) Frequency.
Detritus :: Detritus (n.) A mass of substances worn off from solid bodies by attrition, and reduced to small portions; as, diluvial detritus..
Detritus :: Detritus (n.) Hence: Any fragments separated from the body to which they belonged; any product of disintegration.
Egritude :: Egritude (n.) Sickness; ailment; sorrow.
Emeritus :: Emeritus (a.) Honorably discharged from the performance of public duty on account of age, infirmity, or long and faithful services; -- said of an officer of a college or pastor of a church..
Emeritus :: Emeritus (n.) A veteran who has honorably completed his service.
Exacritude :: Exacritude (n.) The quality of being exact; exactness.
Fioriture :: Fioriture (n. pl.) Little flowers of ornament introduced into a melody by a singer or player.
Nigritude :: Nigritude (n.) Blackness; the state of being black.
Nouriture :: Nouriture (n.) Nurture.
Nutriture :: Nutriture (n.) Nutrition; nourishment.
Pruritus :: Pruritus (n.) Itching.
Pulchritude :: Pulchritude (n.) That quality of appearance which pleases the eye; beauty; comeliness; grace; loveliness.
Pulchritude :: Pulchritude (n.) Attractive moral excellence; moral beauty.
Ritual :: Ritual (a.) Of or pertaining to rites or ritual; as, ritual service or sacrifices; the ritual law..
Ritual :: Ritual (n.) A prescribed form of performing divine service in a particular church or communion; as, the Jewish ritual..
Ritual :: Ritual (n.) Hence, the code of ceremonies observed by an organization; as, the ritual of the freemasons..
Ritual :: Ritual (n.) A book containing the rites to be observed.
Ritualism :: Ritualism (n.) A system founded upon a ritual or prescribed form of religious worship; adherence to, or observance of, a ritual..
Ritualism :: Ritualism (n.) Specifically :(a) The principles and practices of those in the Church of England, who in the development of the Oxford movement, so-called, have insisted upon a return to the use in church services of the symbolic ornaments (altar cloths, encharistic vestments, candles, etc.) that were sanctioned in the second year of Edward VI., and never, as they maintain, forbidden by competennt authority, although generally disused. Schaff-Herzog Encyc. (b) Also, the principles and practices o
Ritualist :: Ritualist (n.) One skilled un, or attached to, a ritual; one who advocates or practices ritualism..
Ritualistic :: Ritualistic (a.) Pertaining to, or in accordance with, a ritual; adhering to ritualism..
Ritually :: Ritually (adv.) By rites, or by a particular rite..
Spiritual :: Spiritousness (n.) Quality of being spiritous.
Spiritual :: Spiritual (a.) Consisting of spirit; not material; incorporeal; as, a spiritual substance or being..
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