Irrevoluble :: Irrevoluble (a.) That has no finite period of revolution; not revolving.
Revolt :: Revolt (n.) To turn away; to abandon or reject something; specifically, to turn away, or shrink, with abhorrence..
Revolt :: Revolt (n.) Hence, to be faithless; to desert one party or leader for another; especially, to renounce allegiance or subjection; to rise against a government; to rebel..
Revolt :: Revolt (n.) To be disgusted, shocked, or grossly offended; hence, to feel nausea; -- with at; as, the stomach revolts at such food; his nature revolts at cruelty..
Revolt :: Revolt (v. t.) To cause to turn back; to roll or drive back; to put to flight.
Revolt :: Revolt (v. t.) To do violence to; to cause to turn away or shrink with abhorrence; to shock; as, to revolt the feelings..
Revolt :: Revolt (n.) The act of revolting; an uprising against legitimate authority; especially, a renunciation of allegiance and subjection to a government; rebellion; as, the revolt of a province of the Roman empire..
Revolt :: Revolt (n.) A revolter.
Revolted :: Revolted (imp. & p. p.) of Revol.
Revolter :: Revolter (n.) One who revolts.
Revolting :: Revolting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Revol.
Revolting :: Revolting (a.) Causing abhorrence mixed with disgust; exciting extreme repugnance; loathsome; as, revolting cruelty..
Revoluble :: Revoluble (a.) Capable of revolving; rotatory; revolving.
Revolute :: Revolute (a.) Rolled backward or downward.
Revolution :: Revolution (n.) The act of revolving, or turning round on an axis or a center; the motion of a body round a fixed point or line; rotation; as, the revolution of a wheel, of a top, of the earth on its axis, etc..
Revolution :: Revolution (n.) Return to a point before occupied, or to a point relatively the same; a rolling back; return; as, revolution in an ellipse or spiral..
Revolution :: Revolution (n.) The space measured by the regular return of a revolving body; the period made by the regular recurrence of a measure of time, or by a succession of similar events..
Revolution :: Revolution (n.) The motion of any body, as a planet or satellite, in a curved line or orbit, until it returns to the same point again, or to a point relatively the same; -- designated as the annual, anomalistic, nodical, sidereal, or tropical revolution, according as the point of return or completion has a fixed relation to the year, the anomaly, the nodes, the stars, or the tropics; as, the revolution of the earth about the sun; the revolution of the moon about the earth..
Revolution :: Revolution (n.) The motion of a point, line, or surface about a point or line as its center or axis, in such a manner that a moving point generates a curve, a moving line a surface (called a surface of revolution), and a moving surface a solid (called a solid of revolution); as, the revolution of a right-angled triangle about one of its sides generates a cone; the revolution of a semicircle about the diameter generates a sphere..
Revolution :: Revolution (n.) A total or radical change; as, a revolution in one's circumstances or way of living..
Revolution :: Revolution (n.) A fundamental change in political organization, or in a government or constitution; the overthrow or renunciation of one government, and the substitution of another, by the governed..
Revolutionary :: Revolutionary (a.) Of or pertaining to a revolution in government; tending to, or promoting, revolution; as, revolutionary war; revolutionary measures; revolutionary agitators..
Revolutionary :: Revolutionary (n.) A revolutionist.
Revolutioner :: Revolutioner (n.) One who is engaged in effecting a revolution; a revolutionist.
Revolutioniezed :: Revolutioniezed (imp. & p. p.) of Revolutioniz.
Revolutionism :: Revolutionism (n.) The state of being in revolution; revolutionary doctrines or principles.
Revolutionist :: Revolutionist (n.) One engaged in effecting a change of government; a favorer of revolution.
Revolutionize :: Revolutionize (v. t.) To change completely, as by a revolution; as, to revolutionize a government..
Revolutionizing :: Revolutionizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Revolutioniz.
Revolutive :: Revolutive (a.) Inclined to revolve things in the mind; meditative.
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