Apheresis :: Apheresis (n.) The dropping of a letter or syllable from the beginning of a word; e. g., cute for acute..
Apheresis :: Apheresis (n.) An operation by which any part is separated from the rest.
Catachresis :: Catachresis (n.) A figure by which one word is wrongly put for another, or by which a word is wrested from its true signification; as, To take arms against a sea of troubles. Shak. Her voice was but the shadow of a sound. Young..
Diaphoresis :: Diaphoresis (n.) Perspiration, or an increase of perspiration..
Dieresis :: Dieresis (n.) The separation or resolution of one syllable into two; -- the opposite of synaeresis.
Dieresis :: Dieresis (n.) A mark consisting of two dots [/], placed over the second of two adjacent vowels, to denote that they are to be pronounced as distinct letters; as, cooperate, aerial..
Diuresis :: Diuresis (n.) Free excretion of urine.
Enuresis :: Enuresis (n.) An involuntary discharge of urine; incontinence of urine.
Exaeresis :: Exaeresis (n.) In old writers, the operations concerned in the removal of parts of the body..
Hysteresis :: Hysteresis (n.) A lagging or retardation of the effect, when the forces acting upon a body are changed, as if from velocity or internal friction; a temporary resistance to change from a condition previously induced, observed in magnetism, thermoelectricity, etc., on reversal of polarity..
Irresistibility :: Irresistibility (n.) The quality or state of being irrestible, irresistibleness..
Irresistible :: Irresistible (a.) That can not be successfully resisted or opposed; superior to opposition; resistless; overpowering; as, an irresistible attraction..
Nonresistance :: Nonresistance (n.) The principles or practice of a nonresistant; passive obedience; submission to authority, power, oppression, or violence without opposition..
Nonresistant :: Nonresistant (n.) One who maintains that no resistance should be made to constituted authority, even when unjustly or oppressively exercised; one who advocates or practices absolute submission; also, one who holds that violence should never be resisted by force..