Affreight :: Affreight (v. t.) To hire, as a ship, for the transportation of goods or freight..
Affreighter :: Affreighter (n.) One who hires or charters a ship to convey goods.
Affreightment :: Affreightment (n.) The act of hiring, or the contract for the use of, a vessel, or some part of it, to convey cargo..
Ambreic :: Ambreic (a.) Of or pertaining to ambrein; -- said of a certain acid produced by digesting ambrein in nitric acid.
Ambrein :: Ambrein (n.) A fragrant substance which is the chief constituent of ambergris.
Bearing Rein :: Bearing rein () A short rein looped over the check hook or the hames to keep the horse's head up; -- called in the United States a checkrein.
Checkrein :: Checkrein (n.) A short rein looped over the check hook to prevent a horse from lowering his head; -- called also a bearing rein.
Checkrein :: Checkrein (n.) A branch rein connecting the driving rein of one horse of a span or pair with the bit of the other horse.
Choreic :: Choreic (a.) Of the nature of, or pertaining to, chorea; convulsive..
Corporeity :: Corporeity (n.) The state of having a body; the state of being corporeal; materiality.
Correi :: Correi (n.) A hollow in the side of a hill, where game usually lies..
Diureide :: Diureide (n.) One of a series of complex nitrogenous substances regarded as containing two molecules of urea or their radicals, as uric acid or allantoin. Cf. Ureide..
Dreissena :: Dreissena (n.) A genus of bivalve shells of which one species (D. polymorpha) is often so abundant as to be very troublesome in the fresh waters of Europe.
Foreign :: Foreign (a.) Outside; extraneous; separated; alien; as, a foreign country; a foreign government..
Foreign :: Foreign (a.) Not native or belonging to a certain country; born in or belonging to another country, nation, sovereignty, or locality; as, a foreign language; foreign fruits..
Foreign :: Foreign (a.) Remote; distant; strange; not belonging; not connected; not pertaining or pertient; not appropriate; not harmonious; not agreeable; not congenial; -- with to or from; as, foreign to the purpose; foreign to one's nature..
Foreign :: Foreign (a.) Held at a distance; excluded; exiled.
Foreigner :: Foreigner (n.) A person belonging to or owning allegiance to a foreign country; one not native in the country or jurisdiction under consideration, or not naturalized there; an alien; a stranger..
Foreignism :: Foreignism (n.) Anything peculiar to a foreign language or people; a foreign idiom or custom.
Foreignness :: Foreignness (n.) The quality of being foreign; remoteness; want of relation or appropriateness.
Freieslebenite :: Freieslebenite (n.) A sulphide of antimony, lead, and silver, occuring in monoclinic crystals..
Freight :: Freight (n.) That with which anything in fraught or laden for transportation; lading; cargo, especially of a ship, or a car on a railroad, etc.; as, a freight of cotton; a full freight..