Regime :: Regime (n.) Mode or system of rule or management; character of government, or of the prevailing social system..
Regime :: Regime (n.) The condition of a river with respect to the rate of its flow, as measured by the volume of water passing different cross sections in a given time, uniform regime being the condition when the flow is equal and uniform at all the cross sections..
Regimen :: Regimen (n.) Orderly government; system of order; adminisration.
Regimen :: Regimen (n.) Any regulation or remedy which is intended to produce beneficial effects by gradual operatio.
Regimen :: Regimen (n.) a systematic course of diet, etc., pursed with a view to improving or preserving the health, or for the purpose of attaining some particular effect, as a reduction of flesh; -- sometimes used synonymously with hygiene..
Regimen :: Regimen (n.) A syntactical relation between words, as when one depends on another and is regulated by it in respect to case or mood; government..
Regimen :: Regimen (n.) The word or words governed.
Regiment :: Regiment (n.) Government; mode of ruling; rule; authority; regimen.
Regiment :: Regiment (n.) A region or district governed.
Regiment :: Regiment (n.) A body of men, either horse, foot, or artillery, commanded by a colonel, and consisting of a number of companies, usually ten..
Regiment :: Regiment (v. t.) To form into a regiment or into regiments.
Regimental :: Regimental (a.) Belonging to, or concerning, a regiment; as, regimental officers, clothing..
Regimentally :: Regimentally (adv.) In or by a regiment or regiments; as, troops classified regimentally..
Regimentals :: Regimentals (n. pl.) The uniform worn by the officers and soldiers of a regiment; military dress; -- formerly used in the singular in the same sense.
Regimented :: Regimented (imp. & p. p.) of Regimen.
Regimenting :: Regimenting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Regimen.
Regiminal :: Regiminal (a.) Of or relating to regimen; as, regiminal rules..
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