Reflection :: Reflection (n.) The act of reflecting, or turning or sending back, or the state of being reflected..
Reflection :: Reflection (n.) The return of rays, beams, sound, or the like, from a surface. See Angle of reflection, below..
Reflection :: Reflection (n.) The reverting of the mind to that which has already occupied it; continued consideration; meditation; contemplation; hence, also, that operation or power of the mind by which it is conscious of its own acts or states; the capacity for judging rationally, especially in view of a moral rule or standard..
Reflection :: Reflection (n.) Shining; brightness, as of the sun..
Reflection :: Reflection (n.) That which is produced by reflection.
Reflection :: Reflection (n.) An image given back from a reflecting surface; a reflected counterpart.
Reflection :: Reflection (n.) A part reflected, or turned back, at an angle; as, the reflection of a membrane..
Reflection :: Reflection (n.) Result of meditation; thought or opinion after attentive consideration or contemplation; especially, thoughts suggested by truth..
Reflection :: Reflection (n.) The transference of an excitement from one nerve fiber to another by means of the nerve cells, as in reflex action. See Reflex action, under Reflex..