Adulterant :: Adulterant (n.) That which is used to adulterate anything.
Adulterant :: Adulterant (a.) Adulterating; as, adulterant agents and processes..
Adumbrant :: Adumbrant (a.) Giving a faint shadow, or slight resemblance; shadowing forth..
Aegicrania :: Aegicrania (n. pl.) Sculptured ornaments, used in classical architecture, representing rams' heads or skulls..
Aemail Ombrant :: Aemail ombrant () An art or process of flooding transparent colored glaze over designs stamped or molded on earthenware or porcelain.
Affranchise :: Affranchise (v. t.) To make free; to enfranchise.
Affranchisement :: Affranchisement (n.) The act of making free; enfranchisement.
Aggrandizement :: Aggrandizement (n.) The act of aggrandizing, or the state of being aggrandized or exalted in power, rank, honor, or wealth; exaltation; enlargement; as, the emperor seeks only the aggrandizement of his own family..